In France they kept schools open but shops closed, somehow we have to decide: this is the reasoning made by the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, according to the participants in the meeting that was held this afternoon in the presence of Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte and of the majority heads of delegation, to highlight the concern and doubts of the government about how to act to face the spread of the virus.
On the table the hypothesis of a greater hardening with respect to the school. The Minister of Education Lucía Azzolina, as we learn, has expressed all the perplexities by the maneuvers of those governors who, independently, have decided to close. The exponent M5s has brought back the data according to which there are no particular outbreaks in school buildings. Council President Conte would have agreed on the importance of allowing students to continue their lessons even in presence, but the hypothesis of further restrictive measures, perhaps through a provision of the ministries concerned, cannot be excluded. The ‘exit strategy’ could be that of a national rule that leads all Italian high school students to continue their activities remotely. The prime minister is considering it. In any case, according to what was learned, it would have emphasized the legitimacy of the governors to be able to act with stricter rules. Legitimacy also sanctioned by the last Dpcm. Italia viva, with Ministers Bonetti and Bellanova, is on the same wavelength as Minister Azzolina. The request from Renzi’s party is to leave the schools open, but the decision will be made only tomorrow when a new meeting is held at Palazzo Chigi. At the moment, however, there is no Dpcm on the weekend.
The Prime Minister is holding back a generalized blockade, he would like to wait, say several sources, at least a few days. Both to see the effects of the latest measures, and to seek, in the event that the contagion curve rises further in the coming days, a broad agreement in Parliament and in the country on a closing scenario, although softer than in March. The plan is to wait a week if possible. Even the rigorous wing of the executive brakes in a tightening in the next hours, would have agreed the possibility of going in the direction indicated by Conte. For now, therefore, it is the regions that are moving. However, it is clear that if the health structures were to have even more difficulties and the number of infected people increased, an acceleration is not excluded, with the consequent national standard. At the moment, however, the trend is to wait a little longer, in the hope that the contagion curve will cool down.
Therefore, the image is evolving. On November 4, communications from Prime Minister Conte to the Chambers are expected. The hypothesis is that the government’s decision to further tighten may come precisely on that date, if the contagion curve does not slow down, even if the prime minister’s hope is to have a few more days to assess the effects of the latest Dpcm. Scientists and Minister Speranza himself are pushing for additional decisions not to come too late. The so-called ‘scenario 4’ indicated by virologists would lead to a squeeze in the entire national territory leaving – at least this should always be the perspective if the curve were to rise further – only the so-called ‘essential services’ still open. It would therefore be a matter of intervening with a general rule but the government still does not exclude acting through red zones or regional closures and limiting travel between regions.