
The coronavirus crisis stings and the subsidy shoots up. Which is confirmed, however, permeable to irregularities.
The economic crisis caused by the Coronavirus has caused a real boom in the income of the citizens. According to the new INPS data, in fact, in the month of August the families benefiting from the subsidy amounted to 1.3 million: + 23% compared to January. The people involved increased 20% from 2.562 million in January to 3.081 million in August. Of these, more than 2 million live in the south and on the islands, about 633 thousand in the north and 422 thousand in the center.
Only by income, the increase in the number of households that receive it was 25% compared to January, with a total that amounted to 1.16 million, and the people involved grew 21%, to 2.9 million. Among the beneficiaries, 2.6 million are Italian citizens, 133 thousand European citizens and 267 thousand non-EU citizens with residence permits.

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Unfortunately, the reform is confirmed as “permeable” to scams. The latest news comes from Foggia. where the Guardia di Finanza de San Severo (Foggia), verified the situation of 169 detainees and it was learned that: 30 of them had improperly received citizenship income. In particular, of these 30, three had applied directly to obtain the benefit while in prison; 12 had not communicated the intermediate detention. In addition, six relatives of the prisoners, having not declared in the application the condition of imprisonment of the spouse, maintained the benefit without the reductions provided for in the law.
However, Beppe Grillo is back in command with another historic battle for the Movement, relaunching universal income and perhaps targeting the Recovery Fund.