Thirteenth 2020 lighter due to Covid emergency: how much will the decline be?


The Office of Studies of the CGIA of Mestre, the Association of artisans and small businesses of the municipality of Veneto, has calculated that at the national level thirteenth of this 2020, expected from the first days of December, will be decidedly less rich than in the past. Covid-19 weighs on the paycheck. The beneficiaries will be 16 million pensioners and 18 million employees, for a total amount of 30,000 million euros. Compared to 2019, 3 billion less.

Regionally, the largest number of those who receive the thirteenth will be registered in Lombardy (6.2 million), then Lazio (3 million 287 thousand), Veneto (2 million 956 thousand), Emilia-Romagna (2 million 821 thousand). At the bottom of the ranking are Umbria (532 thousand), Basilicata (290 thousand), Molise (160 thousand) and Valle d’Aosta (77 thousand).

Thirteenth 2020, because it will be less rich

The analysis authors noted that Covid will relieve the thirteenth of many private sector employees. They have ended since the beginning of the emergency. 6.6 million workers ended in layoffs, many to zero hours. A circumstance that will not allow many of them to earn the monthly payment, which economically defines the thirteenth, therefore lightened by about 100 euros for each month of benefit received.

One consequence must be seen in Christmas shopping, which according to the Cgia de Mestre will probably suffer a contraction of up to 15%. Last year total spending almost reached 10 billion euros, while in 2020 it could stop at 8.5. This reduction runs the risk of penalizing especially those neighborhood stores that do not have an electronic commerce structure.

Thirteenth 2020, how pensioners will be paid

The first to receive the thirteenth will be the retired, already from Tuesday, December 1. But as of this year, thanks to Covid, some have obtained it in advance: for all those who will not receive the credit in the checking account, the Christmas bonus was paid from the past. 25 November. This was decided by INPS, together with Poste Italiane.

Thirteenth 2020, as received by public and private employees

To employees of the private sector the thirteenth payment is established by the national employment contract: traditionally, however, it is paid by the business owner before Christmas. Ai employees publicOn the other hand, the additional monthly payment is processed with the payroll for the last month of the year. Both payments are generally paid around December 20.
