Penalty shooters and shooters – On a political level, Salvini, after meeting with Draghi in the morning, pressed for specific reopening (“We are for the protection of health but with focused interventions and in this there is harmony with the premier”). The Minister of Agrarian Policies Stefano Patuanelli thinks about restaurants: “Through the CTS – he says – we are working on a protocol to allow the restaurant to restart.” The president of Emilia Romagna and the Conference of the Regions, Stefano Bonaccini, defines Salvini’s request as “reasonable” with the aim of “giving oxygen to some activities”. Requests from the many afflicted sectors are well on the government table, as well as data on infections and vaccines (still slowly, 3.6 million have been administered).
But the Minister of Health Hope and the CTS experts stop, indicating the risk of contagion that could arise from the reopening of ski lifts, gyms or cinemas.
Reinforced Brescia Orange Zone – From Milan, President Attilio Fontana signed an ordinance to establish in the province of Brescia and in some municipalities in the Bergamo and Cremona areas of a reinforced orange zone “, which provides, in addition to the normal measurements of the orange zone, also the closure of preschools, elementary and secondary schools, the prohibition of going to second homes, the use of smart working when possible and the closure of the activity in presence “. A squeeze, explained the regional councilor for Health, Letizia Moratti, made necessary by the latest acceleration of the Covid, “with the aggravation of the variants that in the area there are 39% of all casesGuido Bertolaso clarified that “the province has twice the number of new cases compared to the rest of the Lombard provinces. We are facing the third wave of the pandemic and we must attack it immediately ”.

Variants advance – Red zone, however, for Torrice (Frosinone), “due to the strong incidence and presence of the English variant”, and for San Cipirello me San Giuseppe Jato, (Palermo). Another variant that worries is the Brazilian: a case was discovered in a school in Rome. Then the virus bites again in Veneto, where there is an increase in infections and hospitalizations, and in Abruzzo (78 intensive therapies).
Set at dark orange area, from Thursday, February 25 to March 11, for 14 municipalities of Emilia-Romagna where for a few days “a situation of progressive criticality has been registered due to the increase in infections by Covid-19”. This is what the Region and the mayors have decided. It is – explains a note from the same Region – a measure that concerns all the Municipalities that belong to Ausl di Imola: Imola, Castel San Pietro, Medicina, Mordano, Castel Guelfo, Dozza, Casalfiumanese, Fontanelice, Borgo Tossignano, Castel del Rio, and the neighbors of Bagnara di Romagna, Conselice, Massa Lombarda and Riolo Terme, in the province of Ravenna.
Summit between Draghi, the CTS and the ministers: the line is that of prudence Meanwhile, the head of government, before the expiration of the Dpcm, on March 5, met at the Palazzo Chigi with the CTS and the ministers interested in the emergency to draw, at least partially, the line that he will take. The meeting was attended by the competent ministers and representatives of the majority forces – Daniele Franco, Roberto Speranza, Stefano Patuanelli, Giancarlo Giorgetti, Dario Franceschini, Elena Bonetti, Maria Stella Gelmini – and the three representatives of the expert working group, Agostino Miozzo, Franco Locatelli and Silvio Brusaferro. After the scientific illustration of the epidemiological data, the summit continued only with the ministers. The government, before putting the new measures in writing – in a Dpcm or perhaps with an ad hoc decree law that gives more space to Parliament – will wait for the photograph of the pandemic in Italy on Friday. The trend, however, is in the opposite direction to reopening, even if talk of a closure or a national orange zone is premature. “Draghi is not a starter or a penalty taker, he listened to us carefully,” explains Miozzo on the sidelines of the match.
Wednesday Hope will communicate in the classroom to Camera on new measures to combat the pandemic. The objective is to define the new Dpcm looking for a difficult point of fall between the different positions of the parties that support Draghi. Always taking into account the progress of the pandemic and the opinion of the experts.
AstraZeneca announces another cut in doses to be delivered to the EU Meanwhile, vaccination plans against Covid in Europe are at risk of a further setback, with the cut of at least half of the doses announced by AstraZeneca in the second quarter. The pharmaceutical company allegedly made it known during meetings with the EU – writes Reuters, citing a European official – that it “would have supplied less than 90 million doses” in the April-June period. That’s half of the 180 million it had pledged to.