A few hours ago the process of submitting requests for Insertion / Update / Confirmation of the rankings of the III section of ATA personnel for the 2021/2023 triennium began, unfortunately I am forced to report the lack of functions available in the Instances platform OnLine that allows application forwarding.
In the first place, it is not allowed to reformulate the request for new insertion for candidates already included in the previous three years who must request different evaluations that they had at the time, just think of those candidates who, to date, had legally recognized services before 2017 and It must necessarily proceed to the reevaluation of the previously evaluated service.
Procedure that is legitimized by the same Ministerial Decree 50/2021 in art. 5 paragraph 9 letter C) “be aware that application of new profiles and /or evaluations other than the one obtained at the time imply the need to complete a new insertion application”.
Another fault is the request for evaluation of services:
- Recognized legal service qualifications with a final decision in favor of the candidate;
- Recognized legal service qualifications with conciliation attempts in favor of the candidate;
- Service titles, in accordance with article 5, paragraph 4 bis, of the decree law of September 12, 2013, n. 104 converted, with modifications, by law November 8, 2013, n. 128.
REAFFIRM that it is appropriate ALLOW to send an INSERTION request (and not JUST UPDATE) also to the candidates who are inserted in previous years and must reevaluate the services already declared, in accordance with art. 5 subsection 9 letter C) of Ministerial Decree 50/2021
Third Level ATA Ratings: Online Applications Starting March 22, Admission Requirements, Qualifications, Services. THE GUIDES