They were six months old and they did nothing. Here is the disaster of Azzolina – Il Tempo


The school is about to reopen but is already running out of water everywhere. The attacks come from Andrea Delmastro de Fratelli d’Italia who recalls how the Democratic Party also criticized the management of Minister Azzolina. And we move towards the motion of censure to the minister.

Delmastro de Fratelli d’Italia launches into the attack: “The first criticisms come from the leader of Pd Marcuzzi who defined Minister Azzolina as inadequate and her insufficient work. For the benches there was no timely ban and we do not know if they will arrive in time for the lessons. In public transport, then, they defined the classmates as “Siamese.” There are sensational failures for Minister Azzolina. They had 6 months to make a call for the new desks. Finally, the school personnel who have been sensationally underestimated and not it corresponds to the needs of the regions. As if that were not enough, the pre-school and post-school problems have not been addressed. In short, it is a disaster on all fronts “.
