
He wanted to tell his story in the first person, the unprecedented violence suffered which, thanks to the images broadcast on social networks at this time, practically all of Italy has witnessed. Gianni, the 50-year-old cyclist attacked and stolen from his scooter in Naples, I still cannot believe what has happened to him, as well as he is incredulous at the solidarity of his fellow citizens and not only that, in addition to condemning the gesture and being close to him, they also organized a fundraiser to buy back the scooter, a gift for daughter for 18 years. Speaking to Gianni Simioli’s microphones at Radio Mars, in coordination with the regional councilor Francesco Emilio Borrelli, Gianni also recounted the tragic moments of the robbery to the microphones of Fanpage.it
He lost his job, Gianni, and at age 50 he was forced to reinvent himself as a rider. The night of the robbery, as he himself relates, he had just made a delivery near via Janfolla and then had taken Corso Secondigliano, before taking Descent of Capodichino. “They blocked me after the Middle Axis bridge,” says the 50-year-old. “They were all children – he continues, answering questions about what he remembers from those moments – all in their twenties. They didn’t speak, they just told me to get off the scooter.”
As can also be seen in the video, and as the interested party reiterates, Gianni did everything possible not to sell the scooter, but in the end he had to give up. Six of them surrounded him, too many for him to do anything, and they slapped and kicked him, ramming him with other scooters as well. “I have pain everywhere, they kick me everywhere,” he confesses, saying that he is bruised, especially in his legs.
Shortly after the interviews came news of the arrest of 6 people, all very young from Secondigliano and Miano, suspected of having made the foolish gesture.
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