They want to cut times in the new lockouts – Libero Quotidiano


Rumors had been circulating since last night, Saturday, January 2. And, on time, this morning was “surprise” meeting called to decide the new restrictions against the coronavirus in sight on January 7 (in fact the last dpcm expires on January 6). The acceleration, probably due to the rise in the Rt index, but above all due to hospitalizations, factors that emerge from the eve bulletin. At the summit convened by Giuseppe Conte all heads of delegation of the majority parties, in addition to the ministers Francesco Boccia me Roberto Speranza. In short, the time to lock us up is being cut short. Still. In fact, the return to the red areas is discounted, with three of these that should turn orange: Calabria, Liguria and Veneto. But Emilia Romagna, Friuli Venezia Giulia and Marche are also at risk. Instead, the rest of Italy should be yellow (in the early days at least), including Abruzzo, which was orange before the holidays.

But as we anticipated in this article, the government is considering new lockouts, more restrictions. Mainly the fact make Italy a red zone every weekend, therefore with the closure of non-essential shops and limitations to travel even within the municipality itself. And again, closed restaurants and bars. Other hypotheses include that of a “reinforced yellow zone” in line with the one adopted during these holidays with the last dpcm, that is, to stop moving between regions and bars and restaurants condemned to a closure that seems eternal. It is unsustainable. And one wonders if the government, in addition to the closures, will talk about how to speed up vaccines, with Italy fighting in the campaign and with the total number of injections carried out.
