“They treat me like a mafia” – Libero Quotidiano


One, two, three tests. They treat me like a mobster but I keep going with my head held high. Never give up. “The court goes, the investigation finds it. The Green League is in fashion among robes: now there is no Prosecutor who has not opened his own line of investigation on the League of Matteo Salvini, who, however, says that he is not afraid of anything. Genoa, Catania, Pavia, Milan, Rome: investigations were blown up, which will now be added to that of Palermo, where the trial is being prepared for the Open Arms case, a ship full of migrants that the former minister had denied landing in 2019. The accusation it is always the same: kidnapping and abuse of power. Robetta of 15 years in prison.

Charges aside, the coincidence that perplexes us is another. The story by which the Captain is accused seems totally superimposable to that involving the current Minister of the Interior. Luciana Lamorgese. Salvini left the Open Arms offshore for a few days last year (July). Last week the same NGO was prevented from docking in Palermo for security reasons, so much so that dozens of shipwrecks jumped into the sea to try to swim to shore to try to break the blockade imposed by the Conte government. Of course, the media coverage of the two events was different. For weeks there was talk of Salvini’s move, the leader of the Carroccio was portrayed as a monster, a treacherous version of Goebbels. Nobody seems to care about the latest story. Curious.

I am ashamed to live in a country like this.  Salvini, unprecedented complaint: the judicial disfigurement of the ex-wife

Ghosts Even the Genoa togas, then, took a hit yesterday. The Fatto Quotidiano titled yesterday: “Mark one of the 49 million in the League.” The Ligurian Prosecutor’s Office continues to hunt down the famous ghost loot of Bossi and Belsito – all matters related to the former management of Lumbard, even if it never finds anyone who remembers it – and has discovered that the Lega has donated 900 thousand euros to the Lumbard City Council . Bondeno, in the Ferrara area, because they were spent on reconstruction projects after the earthquake. According to various articles published yesterday, the magistrates “want to see clearly” (Note: this last expression, a bit like “check the name” or “press the circle”, is a sign of the inconsistency of the investigation). This means that nothing is certain at this point, but prosecutors hope it turns out that the money was burned on oysters and champagne. Mayor Fabbri’s response: “That money was used to build a school.” League players are investigated even when they give gifts. And here we come to another case.

They even continue to talk about the family saga of Attilio Fontana, especially due to the number of wiretaps that are seen in all the newspapers. Investigators are radiographing the President of Lombardy, who ended up in the meat grinder for a contract awarded by the Region to his brother-in-law. As it is known Attilio didn’t earn a penny but instead he tried to pay the relative – hundreds of thousands of euros – to cancel the deal. Despite this, investigators are reviewing her accounts and have also seized her phone and that of her assistant, as well as Salvini’s ex-partner Giulia Martinelli, who is not being investigated. An operation on which many doubts of legitimacy weigh.

And here Salvini was furious: “Get rid of me, but when you enter my house, I get pissed off as a buffalo. They take away a phone with photos of my daughter and talks with grandparents. Not even a mobster is given such a treatment. History teaches: the risk is finding some private matter in the newspapers. However, the researchers swear that they will not start reading everything, but will search the memory of the smartphone by entering 50 keywords, such as “air”, “dresses”, “wife”, “brother”, “brother in law”, “donation “. “,” return “,” delivery “,” order “,” bank transfer “. A bit vague, it could all work out.” I’ll call Mattarella “, continues Salvini,” it is not worthy of a civilized country. “RUBLES Another question that some readers can ask at this point is: what happened to Russiagate, the investigation that was supposed to bring the Carroccio to its knees? The events date back to October 2018, or about two years ago. Also in this case the press had talked about the illicit funds coming in from Moscow Nothing was ever found, as expected, the great pivot of the investigation, Gianluca Savoini, is still under investigation, but there are no more accounts of hidden funding of the Kremlin.

From Moscova we then went on to the Tiber, the Corte dei Conti and the “suspicious journeys” for which former Minister Salvini was investigated. The reason: the Northern League, when it moved to a region for institutional reasons, allowed itself to organize rallies on the spot. And then he would have used public transport for private purposes. Then everything was filed, it was certified that there was no tax loss. For those flights, however, a question of legitimacy arose: the papers were passed to the court of ministers. And this vein has also run aground (after being wet by rivers of ink).

I am ashamed to live in a country like this.  Salvini, unprecedented complaint: the judicial disfigurement of the ex-wife

Then there’s the question of the Lega’s accountants, an investigation that doesn’t even involve a member of Salvini’s party. The four tax advisers ended up in the eye of the hurricane for having sold to the Region at an inflated price – or so the robes say – a winery in Cormano. Also in this case there has been talk of hidden funds and other events, so far not a penny has been seen. Obviously the press has already issued a sentence massacring all the protagonists. If all goes well, the verdict will come in ten years: who will remember this story more?
