They pass the tests but the promised work is not there. The complaint of some participants in the “contest” of the Campania region


“In recent weeks, the introduction of 2500 people about the 10,000 who passed the test. “Thus spoke the Governor of Campania: Vincenzo De Luca, a End of july, referring to young people who, after Ripam Megacontest of the Region, whose process began in September 2019, must enter public administrations with an internship contract. They should. Because not everyone goes like this, despite the fact that the competition in question is one of the Governor’s flagships, according to what he himself stated several times on his Facebook direct. There are about 500, In fact, the suitable for two written tests, till the date excluded from the internship and the competition, despite being currently included in aranking of ‘reserves’ It will expire in a few weeks.

“We want clarity and that there is no propaganda on our skin, because many of us who had expectations and have left other opportunities, now run the risk of being left with nothing,” he explains to group of eligible excluded, who prefer to remain anonymous and who report “Unique and cumbersome procedures to carry out the procedure” that have created “such distortions that lead to the selection of fewer technical profiles than required and much more administrative than those proposed to the competition.” Moral: there aren’t enough institutions to accommodate these guys in the training phase, which are blocked by the limitations of the call, despite the 6 and a half million euros spent for this competitive procedure and to select fewer people than the forbidden places.

The contest with 23 thousand candidates The competition has restarted in June last after a suspension due to the Covid-19 emergency. Sixteen profiles are planned divided into two categories (graduates and graduates) for recruitment in the Region and in 166 local authorities. For 2,285 places (later increased to 2,500), they competed for 23 thousand candidates, but the competition has reaped more than 300 thousand registration requests (142,554 candidates for the preselections). On the other hand, a contest with these numbers had not been launched in years and the impulse came from the need to staff local authorities, after the efforts in recent years due to the effects of the stability pact on the one hand and the withdrawals that occurred with the ‘100 quota’ on the other. Indeed, the 2,500 eligible candidates admitted must be paid and, after training, be included in the staff of local authorities with permanent contract. In recent months, De Luca had even feared the possibility of immediate admission to the public administration of all suitable candidates, while Anci Campania wrote to the Region and Formez, who manages the selection, complaining about the aggravated shortage of work units for the pandemic. and propose, pending the results of the contest, to proceed with the semi-annual hiring.

The mess of confusing regulation – In recent days, a group of suitable candidates excluded from the internships met with the regional councilor Flora Beneduce, today a candidate in the next elections with De Luca, after having had some seventy suitable candidates in recent weeks manifested before the headquarters of the Regional Council, respecting social distancing. “The councilor has expressed the will to resolve our situation – they explain – but in the meantime Formez does not update the classifications Despite the resignation and the workers, by political-administrative options, they were facilitated with the regulation. A crucial point in the story, in fact, is precisely the preferential treatment “Much beyond the provisions of the call” which would have been reserved for workers, public and private employees who passed the first two tests of the contest and were positioned in a useful way in the ranking to access the training and strengthening phase. In public competitionsin fact, it is usually provided a reservation of positions for former employees, or internal procedures are performed to pass the band. “Something that was not planned or possible at all – explains the appropriate ones – in the case of the Campania Region competition, given the use of resources from the European Social Fund to finance scholarships.” The goal of the Fse is, in fact, is precisely investing in human capital by providing a support for the unemployed, to young people looking for their first job and in need of improving their training, to people at risk of exclusion from the labor market. To continue the competition process, therefore, employees would have to resign.

This was not necessary thanks to “an ad hoc regulation, circulars and Incomplete and ambiguous FAQ – is the complaint – to the point of suggesting that these candidates could have taken advantage of the leave or part-time work to participate in the training phase ”. As the proper recalls, however, second Aran (Agency for Negotiation of Public Administrations), the hypothesis of granting permission to participate in intra-competitive practices contrasts with current regulations (Legislative Decree 165/2001) on incompatibility. The rest was done by the pandemic, with the consequent provision for the start-up phase of the training modalities, without particular time limitations. “Without any supervision and control, it almost goes without saying that the usual ‘crafty’ take advantage of an image so full of smoke “, they explain. Beyond the harm, the benefit: “Governor De Luca has already announced his intention to launch a new competition within the same year within the year The work plan (to finance what has been spent more than 100 million Fes funds) for another 5,000 places “, but to date no mention of the opportunity to take advantage of the competition ranking.

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