They no longer hold me on migrants. Musumeci unmasks the lies of the government in Lampedusa – Il Tempo


Migrant emergency in Lampedusa. The hotspot explodes and the Governor of Sicily denounces the lies, delays and omissions of the Conte government and Minister Lamorgese. The situation on the island is dramatic with the presence of more than 1200 immigrants. Sanitation conditions are dramatic and the Covid emergency further exacerbates the situation. Musumeci announces that he will soon step in to put an end to this embarrassment for all to see.

“More than twelve hundred (1256) presences in the Lampedusa Hotspot – Musumeci writes on Facebook – Still massive, again. The State has claimed its competence in all places, but continues without exercising it to the fullest. None of the interventions reported by the regional working group was carried out to adapt the structure to the current phase of health emergency, and even the diplomatic initiative, which Minister Lamorgese told us about in Rome, had no effect. in Sicily they trust the climate, not politics. If the weather is bad it slows down, in good weather there is a continuous flow. If the boats are not enough, the quarantine ships are full of people brought in by NGOs. the government did not want to accept our proposal. We had said some common sense: if Sicily has to manage autonomous landings, it cannot even support those planned by the NGOs, which should therefore Destination to other European ports. The result: crowded ships and overcrowded hotspots. With risk of contagion for those who arrive, for the operators and for the community. Many days have passed since my ordinance and today I can safely say that: words are not followed by deeds; that Europe does not look to Sicily and the Mediterranean; and that the national government prefers to discuss with the president elected by the Sicilians, rather than having the humility to acknowledge delays and omissions. One thing is certain: I have a duty to intervene. And nothing and no one will be able to intimidate me or make me desist from the duty to protect everyone’s health ”.
