Last year, between expulsions, electoral defeats and Estates General, he was somewhat tormented by the M5S that from a movement of struggle and government has become a true establishment party.
“The Five Star Movement is divided, shattered. Divided between the government movement and a residual movement headed by Casaleggio’s son who does not accept this drift from the M5S “, the former Cinquestelle ideologue explained to ilGiornale.it Paolo becchi. In fact, 2020 began with a long series of dropouts by deputies and senators who were no longer recognized in the ideals of the Movement. The first to come out, on New Year’s Eve, was the senator close to Alessandro Di Battista, Gianluigi Paragone, expelled for having voted against the budget law. On January 7, however, Lucia Azzolina became Minister of Education following the sudden resignation of Lorenzo Fioramonti, now a Member of Parliament for Green Italia.
But what destabilizes the M5S is above all the resignation of Luigi di maio as political leader of the Movement. “I worked to grow the Movement and protect it from speculators and traps along the way, even making difficult and sometimes incomprehensible decisions. History tells us that some have betrayed our trust, but for one who has betrayed us at least ten trust. it was worth it “, Di Maio during a long press conference in which he gave the witness to Vito Crimi as regent / ferryman of the M5S to the States General. Di Maio, according to Becchi, was the politician who had the greatest adaptability: “At first he did not want the government with the Democratic Party, while in the end he adapted and now he is happy to remain in his current position until the end of the legislature . “. And it is a beautiful paradox “if we think that the M5S was born against the Democratic Party,” Becchi adds, “and that it is now its support staff. It seems to me that 2020 confirms this transformation ”. Only a few days after Di Maio’s resignation, electoral coups arrive for the Cinquestelle in both Emilia-Romagna and Calabria, while in the autumn the grillini even lose in Beppe Grillo’s Liguria where they deploy the Fatto Quotidiano journalist Ferruccio Sansa , also supported by Pd. “The M5S had the 2020 it deserved, it fluctuated a lot and these fluctuations cost it many votes and the consensus was reduced by half compared to 2018”, recalls the political scientist Gianfranco Pasquino. Becchi’s judgment is much harsher: “At this point, the M5S has become a rib of the Democratic Party and will continue to be in the next elections. It will have 8-10%, thanks to income from social assistance and citizenship. It will be present above all in the South, while in the North it is destined to disappear ”.
But 2020 will undoubtedly be remembered for the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic and for the controversies involving the grillini ministers. The Guardian Alfonso Bonafede, who in the meantime became head of the M5S delegation in the government, overcomes, thanks to the decisive vote of the Renzianos, the obstacle of the vote of no confidence presented by the opposition due to the scandal of the liberation of the bosses. Azzolina, on the other hand, is accused of not having planned the resumption of security classes, but of having only thought about ordering the benches with wheels. As proof of how true this is, just think that with the arrival of the second wave of Covid-19 infections, schools were the first to close. The Undersecretary of Foreign Relations Manlio Di StefanoHowever, it absolves the Movement: “In 2020 of the M5S I give a 7 with the awareness that if you do the duties that we have given ourselves, 2021 will be the 9”. And he explains: “This was the year of maturity. We have internalized the passage from an opposition movement to a government movement with all the responsibilities and, necessarily, with the bitter bites that this entails. The next step – Di Stefano adds – was, therefore, to transmit this awareness to our States General, totally restructuring not only the political vision of the movement but also the internal management, the territories and everything that should make us solid and forward-looking .
the General statesin reality, they take place in a tense climate, even if the pandemic hides the event from the media, the final results of which are still not entirely clear. The only certainty is the “weaning” of the parliamentarians of Davide Casaleggio and his Rousseau platform. “2020, with the States General, marks the decline of the M5S”, explains the philosopher Becchi who, in this regard, says: “the approval of the Month shows that it is another Movement and Italians will remember it when we will vote again.” Riccardo molinari, leader of the League in the House, has no doubts: “The Cinquestelle have completely betrayed themselves with the vote on the reform of the Month as well as on the Security Decree. In the program they had the end of the illegal immigration business and, now, they have made a decree that dismantles the Salvini decrees piece by piece and returns us to the previous situation, the one they wanted to combat ”.