
Jackals of the coronavirus. A nurse from the San Paolo hospital in Civitavecchia, and his partner are being investigated by the Port City Prosecutor’s Office on charges of robbery and then execution tampons to a large number of people between Civitavecchia and Rome. She is Simona I., 35 years old, born in Naples but living in Civitavecchia for years. They are Domenico D., 50, born in Giugliano in Campania and her partner. For them, the hypothesis of the crime at the time is concurrence in material falsification, substitution of person and arbitrary exercise of the medical profession. But the charges could be extended further, because with their behavior they could have caused a spread of the infection and, consequently, a substantial increase in the cases of Covid 19 currently quantified in dozens and dozens of people. There is more: there is a suspicion that the Civitavecchia case has ramifications in Rome as well, with other tampon thefts, and the investigation is expanding.
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It all started last month, when the nurse’s partner, posing as a doctor, went to rub the workers of a cleaning company in Rome, the “Rapida”, on behalf of the owner of the company, without knowing that the fifty years was not really a doctor. The exams are carried out and after a while the results arrive. It’s September 11th. All employees of the cleaning company test negative. But one of the workers wants to see clearly, because on the letterhead of the Spallanzani hospital, in addition to being written that it is negative, there is a footnote at the end of the document, where it is said that positivity is not actually excluded. What does that mean? The lady then decides to go to Spallanzani and asks for lights. But it is at the infectious disease center that they let you know that the answer is not theirs. The result was never elaborated by Spallanzani. From the same Capitoline hospital they verify and discover, through the study that sends the report, that it is attributable to ASL Roma4, in Civitavecchia. The lady goes to the headquarters in via Terme di Traiano in the port city, but even here they tell her that this sheet was not even produced by ASL Roma4. Who did that? It is the same Civitavecchia ASL that understands that something is wrong and warns the police. Take the survey. To coordinate it is the prosecutor Allegra Migliorini, who through her investigators reconstructs the entire process developed by the couple.
The nurse, partner of the false doctor, took the sticks from the room where he works, orthopedics. They are the ones used to test hospitalized people. She gave them to her partner who then used them for the fake tampons for a fee, obviously at a lower price than the standard (one hundred euros if made in private labs). The same colleague wrote the false reports, after taking a real one from Spallanzani and reproducing it identical to the computer. Then he filled it in and apparently always made the answer negative. And the problem lies right here, because now researchers are trying to find out whether among the people that the fake doctor performed false tests was actually positive for coronavirus. There is a risk that an infected person will continue to behave as if they are not infected and end up transmitting Sars-CoV-2. From what researchers would have found so far, between 30 and 35 people underwent these fake swabs made by D’Alterio. But in reality there could be many more, because again according to what is deduced from the investigation, the system put together by the couple would continue since last April, so the number could be much higher.
The couple was also subjected to a home search a few days ago. The carabinieri of the Civitavecchia company, who are carrying out the investigation together with the Nas of Rome, found in the apartment where the two live – among other things, a stone’s throw from the San Paolo hospital – both tampons, that other medical material , such as tourniquets, gauze and medications of various kinds. All the material was shown to the ASL leaders, who confirmed that these devices were delivered to the Civitavecchia health center. Not only that, the Nas carabinieri and the Civitavecchia company, in the last 48 hours, have listened to at least fifty people between Rome and Civitavecchia, with the suspicion that they may also have been subjected to false tampons by the couple .
Last update: 01:21