“They close the shops and triple the taxes.” Who cries in January – Libero Quotidiano


“These are crazy.” Matteo salvini jump in his chair and hit hard Giuseppe Conte me Roberto Gualtieri, respectively Prime Minister and Minister of Economy in the center of the thousand ballets in recent weeks maneuvers, corrections, month, recovery fund, refreshments, thousand extensions. And taxes, always taxes. “The government wants to triple taxes on vape, the Electronic cigarettes elected by more than a million Italians, which reduce the damage to the health of all and employ thousands of merchants, small businessmen and workers throughout Italy, “attacks the leader of the League on Twitter.” Do they close stores and raise taxes? They are insane. Hands off the vape. “

Patrimonial, end of the nightmare: the withdrawn amendment, just a sham to talk about Leu and his companions?
