“They called me Cazzolina and when I finished school I was sad,” said Lucía Azzolina.


The Minister of Education Lucia azzolina He decided to speak of himself as a representative of the institutions that he usually does in his position and for this he chose the insert of the Friday of the Republic. From making fun of his last name to the reason he never appears in public without his inevitable Red lipstick, the head of the school department revealed some unknown aspects of her personality. It was necessary? Maybe not, but so be it. Lucía Azzolina has felt the need and it is probably a new communication strategy with which the minister wants to start a new “sympathy operation” on the electorate after losing many points of consensus for the management of the school during this epidemic.

Is it better to be remembered as the minister of the wheeled benches or the minister of the red lipstick? Given the turn that the interview took on Friday of the Republic, Lucía Azzolina probably prefers this second hypothesis. And so, chatting with Francesco Merlo, Azzolina unbuttons her secrets and lets go of a memory from high school: “Already in high school they called me Small trowel, and I laughed at that, and now, to help them laugh, I tint my lips even more“A shocking revelation from the Minister of Education, whose red-tinged lips have often become the hallmark of cartoons and knockoffs.

A red with a thousand shades that of Lucía Azzolina, a color with many political meanings and not for the minister, who on the Friday of the Republic also reveals the title of one of her favorite books: Manifesto of the Communist Party of Marx and Engels. Red in red, for her, but she does not like to associate the color of her lipstick with the one now identified as a symbol of the fight against violence against women. “I am not a militant feminist. Although, when I read the sexist vulgarities against me, a strong temptation came to me“, he affirmed. A red that, however, is not even linked to a religious discourse, since it is far from the dictates of faith, whatever it is:”I love this Pope very much, and I have the works of Don Milani on the table as a moral guide, but I am not a believer, I am agnostic“. There is no feminism and there is no faith, but there is Bella ciao in Lucia Azzolina’s lipstick, a song.”which is fantastic because it is the song of liberation and not of communismA very personal reinterpretation on his part, a side and an endorsement of the proposal of the Democratic Party to combine this song with the Hymn of Mameli. The sofa in his office at the ministry is also red, the only piece of furniture he asked for to take a nap. sometimes.

Between a nostalgic parenthesis for the obviously red sunsets in her Sicily, the sea and the feeling of loneliness she felt when she moved to Biella, where she learned to prepare pistachio arancini, Lucía Azzolina flies with her imagination and tells the journalist that she could would have become the “Azzolina reform” had it not been for Covid. But it was just a quick step before reopening the Heart book and tell your childhood, when “at home there were no books and that is why, in this sense, I was born very poor. My father, Vito, is a retired prison officer. My mother, Antonella, is a housewife. My sister Rossana was born when I was six years old. In short, it was difficult for the family to earn a salary that did not reach 1,800 euros“.

And so the story of the minister continues, from the first book his grandfather gave him when he discovered that he loved school, that “became the hiding place of my discomfort“. The one mentioned by Lucía Azzolina is an adolescence like so many in the Italian provinces:”When school finished and everyone was celebrating, I got sad. Fortunately, my teachers broke the rule and allowed me to borrow more than two books at a time. They were the Russian classics, Oblomov and Anna Karenina, the French Flaubert and Maupassant … From time to time we went to the sea, on the beach of Noto, which is the most beautiful in the world.Lucía Azzolina also lets us know that she did not wear lipstick, that she had acne, and that she wore tennis shoes. Like every teenager, but a little more. The interview continues with yours. https://www.ilgiornale.it/news/politica/azzolina-sta-studenti-scuole-devono-riaprire-1904019.html, flutters in the story of his first true love, and is based on the reason he found himself in the ranks of the 5 stars.
