He has always stood out in everything according to his followers: from commercial television to international football to political elections on two occasions. Also regarding the viral load of Sars-Cov-2, Silvio Berlusconi emphasizes that he is among the first: “Despite the record viral load, I am recovering,” said the former prime minister of the San Raffaele hospital yesterday afternoon. Milan in relation to the president of the parliamentary group of Palazzo Madama, Anna Maria Bernini, during the meeting of the azzurri senators.
Berlusconi and record viral load
“I am struggling to get out of this hellish disease, it is very bad – he said again -. Here in San Raffaele thousands of exams have been done and I was in the top five because of the force of the virus. I am doing the best I can and really I hope I can. ” be successful and get back on track. “
“I want to campaign since last week – he continued – because I fear abstention and because we must defeat a government of the incapable.” The Forza Italia leader reassured everyone about his health and thinks about the next political strategies. Yesterday he was reasoning with his people about the need to present an articulated reform plan that pushes the government on the Recovery Fund. Cheide to Italians to vote in 10 days, citing Plato and his appeal to the Athenians who deserve the irresponsible to rule the city if they decide to abstain: “He who is not going to vote is guilty if he is incapable and irresponsible … “.
After positivity to Sars-Cov-2 and biltareal pneumonia discovered at an early stage, the great fear has passed, writes Emilio Pucci in the Delivery courier:
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Yesterday’s bulletin is clear: “All monitored blood chemistry and clinical parameters are reassuring.” Hence the optimism, although it has not yet been decided when the former prime minister – he will turn 84 at the end of the month – will be able to return to Arcore. In your Villa San Martino residence, everything is ready. Yesterday all the staff were swabs, another sanitation was carried out. However, the blue president could remain in San Raffaele for some time yet. Because the staff prefers to keep it under control and the same eldest daughter, Marina, also in isolation at her home in Milan, asked to avoid forcing. It is true that Berlusconi claws, who have had the opportunity to reach her, emphasize that she is working both in their companies and at the party. At the most, however, even for familiar indications, he will be able to send a message in the vicinity of the Regionals, to galvanize the force that somehow feels orphaned by the leader: “I will be back soon.”