Restaurants, Barber Shop, movie theater me gyms Could to close still?
Covid-19: contagions begin to “run” and in the Government the attention is maximum to avoid the need to prepare a second generalized blockade.
At this time, many Regions are taking very important measures to limit infections: starting today the mask is also mandatory outdoors (and at any time) in Lazio and Prime Minister Conte did not rule out that the decision made by regional governor Nicola Zingaretti could be extended to the entire national territory.
The the state of emergency will last until January 31 In the meantime, the government is thinking of a plan to adopt in case infections continue to increase, as expected, in the coming weeks. As anticipated, the Government absolutely wants to avoid the scenario for which it will be necessary to arrange a second closure, since such a situation would cause other damage to our economy.
However, it is not excluded that if the situation may worsen, the closure of some activities, come gyms, theater me restaurants. Revealing the government program on a possible suspension of some activities is The messenger, who explained what the sectors to close before if the contagion curve reached a worrying level.
Restaurants, Cinemas and Gyms: Which Business Will Close First?
These days, in front of the “real risk of rapid deterioration”, The Prime Minister met with the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, and the Scientific Technical Committee to evaluate the steps to be taken to counter the spread of the coronavirus.
In the dossier prepared at this meeting we start from two fixed points:
- schools should remain open as much as possible;
- avoid the national closure, as well as the closure of productive activities.
Nonstop of luck me Offices therefore, and there is no intention of imposing a new confinement forcing people to remain locked in the house. In any case, there will be specific interventions in individual territories.
But in case the situation worsens, it is not excluded that there may be a new closure for some activities. If the contagion curve were to continue to rise, in fact, it would be necessary to impose a close meetings. Private parties, meetings, family dinners: in any case the Government could also impose a limit of up to 10 people.
further curfew to avoid contagions in the nightlife. In this sense, close at 10 pm.
These are the first measures foreseen by the file, in which, however, it is also written what to do if the infections do not stop. The idea, anticipated by The messenger – and of come back to close some activities, following, in reverse, the reopening schedule last spring.
Close first, therefore, would be the movie theater ei theater. Then it would be up beauty centers, Barber Shop me gyms. Ultimately, it would be the turn of Pub me restaurants. If this is not enough, there will also be the closing of shops.
Everything, therefore, will depend on how the situation of the coronavirus in Italy evolves, the Government making decisions taking into account the advance of the epidemic.
The hope of all is that these activities are not forced to close again, also because for many this time the closure could also lead to bankruptcy (as indeed happened with the first closure).
This is also why the Government, in order not to make decisions of this type, is reflecting on the possibility of anticipating stricter rules on social distancing and mask and a decision could already be made on it in the coming days.