Thermal blankets cover the doors of the Basilica of Assisi – Ultima Ora


(ANSA) – ASIS (PERUGIA), SEPTEMBER 26 – Twenty meters of thermal blankets have been placed at the doors of the Superior Basilica of San Francisco de Asís on the eve of World Migrants Day. By joining Giovanni de Gara’s “Eldorato” art project, the community of friars of the Sacred Convent of Assisi also made themselves heard on the issue of migration.

Also present at the ceremony were the artist De Gara, Father Mauro Gambetti, Custos of the Sacred Convent of Assisi, Father Marco Moroni, and Father Enzo Fortunato, director of the press room of the Sacred Convent.

“Faced with the 40-50 million displaced by wars, conflicts, environmental disasters and today also the pandemic, we cannot remain indifferent,” Father Fortunato told ANSA. “A tragic condition of displaced persons and refugees – he added – that little Jesus also lived with his parents in the flight to Egypt.”

Regarding the installation of the electric blankets, Father Fortunato stressed that “they can cause questions in the many pilgrims who arrive in Assisi on the eve of the Pope’s visit and the feast of Saint Francis.”

“Eldorato’s is an important message – said Father Gambetti – that makes us question what it is that truly gives wealth. Gold beautifies, but true wealth is in the joy that we can carry or have in our hearts, it is not linked to a metal. True joy resides in this gold of the poor, where there is the possibility of building relationships, gathering together and experiencing joy. “(TAKE CARE OF).