GF Vip, bad news: there won’t be in the next episode, aired on Friday, December 11, 2020.

The success of the Big Brother VIP 5 is constantly increasing. The Canale 5 reality show is conquering millions of viewers and the merit is undoubtedly the stellar cast presented by Alfonso Signorini for this fifth edition. An edition that did not end at the beginning of December, as it was initially established, but that will last until February 2021. A news that has displaced the VIPs, who, having learned of the extension, had to choose whether to continue the path to the new ending or whether to quit the game. Elisabetta Gregoraci and Francesco Oppini they have chosen to leave home, while the rest of the VIPs continue the race. But it is precisely because of this extension that, in the next episode, something could happen that the viewers will not like very much. This is what it is.
GF Vip, bad news: this is what will happen in the studio in the next episode
An episode different from the others, that of GF Vip which will air tomorrow night on Canale 5. On the next live broadcast, in fact, vip removed in the last episodes of the reality show may not be present in the study! The reason is linked precisely to the decision to extend the edition, which should have finished in early December. THE contracts of many former stars of the show, therefore, it would have expired – which is why we probably won’t see them again in the studio. However, according to the latest rumors, the director may decide to keep only some of the former reality show competitors in the studio. And among these, there will almost certainly also be Francesco Oppini, who through his Instagram stories has made an appointment with the fans for tomorrow night. Who will be tomorrow, besides the son of Parietti? We’ll see!

Nothing official, well, for now, but apparently tomorrow we will not see all the former Vipponi of the house most spied on TV. If the rumor is confirmed, which of the former competitors would you like to see again in the studio?
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