“There will be no new blockade, Italy must run safely”


In Italy there is a increase in coronavirus infections that Palazzo Chigi keeps constantly under observation, but that at the moment does not suggest scenarios similar to those of France. And if French President Emmanuel Macron does not rule out the possibility of a second national shutdown, the prime minister Giuseppe Conte – reveals the Corriere della Sera in a fund published by Alessandro Trocino, he reiterates that he does not see prospects for a new complete closure of activities.

The prime minister’s judgment, according to Corriere della Sera, is based on the fact that the increase in cases for now does not correspond to that of hospitalizations. Therefore, a second lock should be excluded, school and economic activities will not stop. “With our system we are confident that we will be able to face the autumn with caution but without limiting economic activities – are the words attributed to Conte -. We must respect the minimum precautionary standards in force that allow us to support the recovery that has already taken place in recent years. months, as certified by Istat. The country must run safely. “

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According to Palazzo Chigi offices, “so far we have worked methodically, in the name of caution. We are the only ones who have developed a sophisticated contagion curve tracking mechanism, based on 21 parameters that return a detailed risk analysis , which is part of very limited territorial assessments ”.

Source: Corriere della Sera →
