A Radio Mars during the broadcast “Marte Sport Live” he spoke Edoardo Chiacchio, attorney: “Possible scenarios after yesterday? I believe that the Sports Judge will not rule tomorrow since Napoli will appeal to focus on the issue of force majeure. When there is force majeure, the party that did not play the game has the possibility to appeal to obtain the declaration of force majeure, whereby the judge returns the documents to the Lega for the match to be re-scheduled The 3-0 is not entirely obvious, the Neapolitan company will initiate the defense even in the first instance.
I think Napoli will adopt this strategy: why lose a degree of judgment or remain absent, with consequences that may later weigh? When a team cannot reach the place where the match is reached, force majeure can be invoked. Regarding the degrees of sports justice, you can also go up to the Lazio Regional Administrative Court or the Council of State.
Will Napoli win? Yes, defeat cannot be imposed at Napoli’s table. There is a greater force that has prevented Napoli from taking the field. I certainly believe that defeat can never be imposed at the table. “
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