“There is no use doing the opposite, the numbers demand it”


BOLZANO – AllSouth tyrol becomes Red zone. «The epidemiological trend with i constantly growing numbers and the growing number of municipalities declared a red zone requires it. Now it is useless to apply two different measures, “says Governor Arno Kompatscher, who will sign theorder.

Covid, Campania, Veneto, Liguria, Tuscany, Umbria and Abruzzo, what changes. At 3 pm the control room with the ISS

Transfers between municipalities will be granted only for reasons of work, health, study and urgent emergencies. In the last 24 hours there have been 781 new cases of 2,998 swabs and 4 deaths.

Coronavirus Increase of infections in Veneto, is the yellow band now at risk?

VENICE Will Veneto remain yellow or will it fade to orange with all that goes with it, starting with the closing of stores? The news is that in Rome they asked all the Regions to integrate the data of the 21 parameters used so far to color the territories.

Last updated: 12:02

