Rome, January 5, 2020 – The decree law with the new anti-Covid measures, approved in the evening by the Council of Ministers that establishes for the period included between 7 and 15 January 2021, the prohibition, throughout the national territory, of move between different regions or autonomous provinces, except for proven work needs, situations of need or health reasons. In any case, it is possible to return to one’s own residence, domicile or domicile, with the exception of trips to second residences located in another region or autonomous province.
Tighter measures on the weekend: on days January 9-10, 2021, the application, throughout the national territory, of the measures provided for the so-called ‘orange zone’ (Article 2 of the decree of the President of the Council of Ministers of December 3, 2020). In any case, trips from municipalities with a population of up to 5,000 inhabitants, within 30 kilometers of their borders, will be allowed on the same days, with the exception of trips to provincial capitals.
Visits to family and friends
In the morning Chigi Palace specifies that trips to the private homes of third parties (visits to family or friends, as occurs on these holidays) will be allowed in Red zone only in the Municipality itself and not in the Region, as indicated incorrectly at night. “The text establishes that, in the territories included in the so-called ‘red zone’, it is possible to move, once a day, for a maximum of two people, to a single private home in their municipality,” the new version reads of the dl. Basically, Palazzo Chigi explains, for those in the highest risk range it is allowed to visit friends and family, but only in his own municipality.
Reopening of schools: the postponement is decided until January 11
What can be done in the orange zone
In the orange zone it is possible to move freely within its own Municipality, without the obligation to carry self certification (except during the hours of curfew, that is, from 10:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m.). Shops are open until 9:00 p.m., while bars and restaurants are closed but take-out and home delivery service is allowed until 10 p.m. To move outside the municipality of residence, self-certification is necessary. And in this case the movements are allowed for: work, emergency or health reasons. But also for him visits to family or friends, which can be done throughout the region of residence (therefore also outside the municipality) only once a day, for a maximum of two people (children under 14 years of age and the disabled are not included in the count), and during which there is no curfew. It is also allowed – for a single family unit – to reach second box, provided they are in the same region of residence. If you live in a small common less than 5 thousand inhabitantsYou can go to another municipality, within an area of 30 kilometers, but not to a provincial capital.
What to do in the orange zone: frequently asked questions
Yellow zone: the rules
Compared to the orange zone, free trips between municipalities, without self-certification, within the same region (the decree prohibits those outside regional borders, even between yellow areas, except in situations of need). Shopping centers and stores open, how is it allowed table service in bars and restaurants (as well as in pubs and ice cream parlors) from 5 to 18. Table consumption is allowed for a maximum of 4 people per table, unless they are all living together. To wear until 10pm confirmed, as in the orange band. In the days holidays and days before holidays, in shopping malls and parks Only grocery stores, pharmacies and parapharmacies, health, tobacconists, kiosks and nurseries are open (we remind you that the weekend of January 9 to 10, according to the decree, is in the orange zone). The schedule does not change curfew: from 10pm to 5am. They remain closed gyms and swimming pools, as well as cinemas and museums. Open i Sport centers, but the activity is only allowed outdoors and individually.
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