“There is no control room, see you in Parliament” – Il Tempo


The center-right says no to Conte: “See you in Parliament.” No to the control room, which is an afterthought, for the confrontation with the opposition there is Parliament. It can be read in a joint note by Matteo Salvini, Giorgia Meloni and Silvio Berlusconi. “Since the beginning of the pandemic, the center-right, which is the nation’s leading political force and governs most regions, has put the interest of Italy before the political interest of its coalition. For months we have prepared proposals and amendments, but in vain we hope that the government will summon us to Parliament, the institutional headquarters where it is fair that the confrontation between the majority and the opposition takes place. A few days ago, they gave us the news of the last Dpcm, shortly before its communication to the Italians “remember the three leaders.” The current health situation is also being precipitated by lack of decisions – or postponed decisions. of the government: the country did not appear prepared for the second wave of the pandemic, which was also widely anticipated and predictable. “Today the government speculates with a control room with the opposition. Repentance seems belated. The center-right – the leaders continue – has always been available to Italy, but today more than ever the only forum in which to debate is the Parliament of the Italian Republic. There the numerous proposals formalized by us and ignored by the government are deposited, and there the others will be presented. However, we are not available to participate in Palazzo operations that appear to be dictated by more than a real desire for collaboration in the attempt to involve the opposition in serious liabilities arising from immobility and wrong government decisions.
