“There is a rumor that in Mar a Lago …”, despite Covid – Libero Quotidiano


The last sober new year dI Donald Trump me Melania as a presidential couple (at least until 2024). The outgoing president of the United States and the First Lady spend the Christmas holidays at the resort of Mar-a-Lago, a kind of “wintery” White House in Florida. As reported by theHuffington Send, Trump would have the end of the year success ready: a dinner with 500 reservations, before the Covid that brings the country to its knees.

Clean the refrigerator.  Trump Evicted and Humiliated: Biden's Emails to the White House.  Apart from the changing of the guard

The indiscretions speak of celebrations in a big way, pharaonic, although Donald had not hidden his disappointment with his wife’s choice of furniture, “explains the Huffington Post.” The remodeling of his property in Mar-a-Lago by the first lady Melania does not sit well with Trump. “The magnate also would have eliminated some details imposed by Melania on his own initiative.
