After the good result of the regional, the Democratic Party of Nicola Zingaretti has already started making requests, to which obviously the prime minister Giuseppe Conte will not be able to escape. According to a background of Republic, the prime minister would have called the president of Lazio congratulate the result of the elections in Campania, Puglia me Tuscany. Conte is well aware that this is not the time for a reorganization, but for a stabilization, especially after the defeat of the Grillini and the Renzianos at the polls. Meanwhile, he has already decided to please Zingaretti in Me me security decrees. The leader of the Democratic Party, in fact, still underway, spoke of the rescue fund, made available by the EU to deal with the Covid emergency. The dem are in favor of this tool, unlike the 5 stars. As reported RepublicEven Conte – in the abstract – is convinced that it should be activated and privately has already promised it to the governor of Lazio an immediate political discussion. The other point on which the Democratic Party insists is the modification of the security decrees, which seems to have been planned in October. Finally, the last political price that Zingaretti will ask the prime minister is the electoral law, fundamental for the dem after the green light to the cut of the parliamentarians.
On the other hand, however, there are the pentastellati who, despite the yes victory in the referendum, had to collect a bitter defeat to the regionals. It also appears that they are at risk of collapse in the Senate and that many of them are tempted by transition to the league by Salvini. At least to secure a seat in case the government falls and returns to the vote (with parliamentarians cut in half, certainly for the grillini). If this really happened, the majority who support the Conte executive, already narrow at Palazzo Madama, there would be no more.