When there are only a few days left for the Regionals and the confirmatory referendum on the court of parliamentarians, decisive electoral appointments for the Giallorossi majority, 5 star movement me Democratic partyAs usual, they argue again. The object of the last and nth clash between the two parties (theoretically) allied with government is the controversial Me.
On the one hand, the Democrats are pushing for the European stability mechanism to be activated, on the other hand, the pentastellati continue to offer resistance. Why they the funds save–statethey just don’t want it.
In recent days, the secretary of the Democratic Party Nicola Zingaretti the need for the ESM has once again strongly overcome. In the study of Door to door, guest of Bruno Vespa, the piddì political leader said: “Saying no to the MES means saying no to something that was in the past. But here we are talking about a line of credit from which Italy can earn and which invests in health”. But not only that, since in the continuation of the chat with the landlord, Zinga continued to throw a not so veiled cava to the grillini “friends”: “We are not going to back down and no one can afford to say ‘chapter closed’. There is a majority, there is a government, there is political debate and nothing is closed. We will fight without any doubt, with the force of arguments. Someone would explain in code not ideological why give up this great opportunity “.
In short, for the secretary there are no doubts: the “yes” to the Month is totally and substantially unconditional. Several great party leaders have aligned themselves with him, such as the governor of Emilia Romagna Stefano Bonaccini, the Minister of Regional Affairs and Autonomy Francesco Boccia, Graziano Delrio and numerous parliamentarians, all of whom agree to embrace the Month without too much hesitation.
Here today, however, Vito Crimi reiterated the “no” of its 5 Star Movement to the European Stability Mechanism, calling it an “instrument inadequate“. Talking to the microphones of SkyTg24In fact, the current regent of the penastellata team expressed himself as follows: “For us, the Month is an inappropriate tool that should not be used. This is the position of the 5 Star Movement. Thanks to our firm position, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte has managed to get much more from Europe, almost 100 billion in lost funds. We have obtained the purchase by the ECB of our securities, which is the most powerful tool of the ESM. Let’s think about what we have achieved so far “. A closure as clear as it is hard, not without consequences for the already precarious stability of this government.
Softer, however, the holder of the Farnesina Luigi di maio; Speaking this morning about Rai Uno, the former political leader of the M5 tried to tone it down: “We are working on the 209 billion euros that we have and we are deciding how to spend it. There are no other countries that have more, we can no longer ask Europe that we want more. Also because it is only MONTH money. they are free, they are always debts. The positions of the M5S on the ESM are well known, the real issue within the coalition is that if we feed this debate, we will only create the tensions within the majority … “.
The tensions and frictions between the Giallorossi are undeniable. And almost simultaneously with Di Maio’s words, those of Zingaretti himself also arrived, reiterating once again the need to move forward with the government’s agenda: “If the executive does things, go ahead, but if the government stops … falls”. Still: “With Italia Viva, LeU and Movimento 5 Stelle we chose a year ago to govern together whenever there are things to do, and we have done some”.
On the one hand Zingaretti & Co., on the other Crimi and his team. In the middle, a prime minister in difficulties, called to find a synthesis between two positions, however, in the antipodes. Neither the Democratic Party nor the M5s, at this point, do not seem willing to give in, taking the umpteenth turn. Therefore, the results of the Regionals and the referendum could be decisive, since an even more weakened majority could emerge from the elections of 20 and 21 September and run the risk of collapsing, like a house of cards, at the intersection of Mes .