There is a coronavirus positive employee, Mickey’s kindergarten is closed


The municipal nursery school “Topolino” in the district of Zisa closed this morning due to a positive swab from an employee who had already been absent for a few days. “Immediately apply the procedures provided by the anti-Covid protocols.”

This was announced by the Municipal Council of the School, which gave the Prevention Department of the Provincial Health Authority the names of 46 adults and children who attend the nursery.

“At the same time – reads a note from the municipal administration – the activity of the nursery and the afternoon play area that takes place in the same premises has been suspended and the children’s parents have been warned. The educational center will remain closed for the sanitation process, waiting for the ASP to provide more information on health ”.

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In addition to the Topolino kindergarten, the Municipality also today ordered the closure of the decentralized Borgo Nuovo store from Monday, “as an employee reported that a member of her family unit tested positive for Covid-19.”
