Matteo Renzi, leader of Italia Viva, began to attack the his own government. After approving the Dpcm The former prime minister now attacks his majority and calls for a change of course in the text, especially with regard to the closures of restaurants, cinemas and theaters. “Although sacrifices are (still) called for, it would be very useful, in my opinion, if the government Clarified these points. And tell us what scientific data and the analysis on which decisions are made: scientific data, not the emotions of a single minister, “he writes in his weekly e-news. Pierpoalo Sileri of the M5, who said he did not share many points of the last arrangement.
“In Parliament,” writes Renzi, “we will ask that President Conte consider following the same path taken by President of South Tyrol, who signed an ordinance that establishes that restaurants are open until 22 “. Finally, the former secretary of the Democratic Party explains that, “it is okay to give up a lot of freedoms because of the virus. But close the places of culture and sports instead, it is an error: it is easier to get infected in the subway than in the theater. And the restaurants close at 6pm technically inexplicableIt seems like a measure taken without any scientific basis ”. The question arises spontaneously at this point: but haven’t you thought about it before?