There are no professors in the chair (everything Azzolina could and did not do)


Synopsis: why there are 50, 100, 200 thousand teachers missing each year, how can it be avoided and why this year could (should) be different.

In short, make yourself comfortable with a glass of water and a chair.


Why do students come to class every year in September, but do not find the entire staff complete with the consequences that many families always suffer, but this year more? And why is the staff replenished during the current year with teachers appointed also in December?

Get comfortable because the situation is very tangled, so tangled that even a precarious teacher cannot fully handle it, so much so that they have to depend on a union to deal with it, to understand what questions to ask, where, how. When are the calls, where and how. What to accept, where and how. What category of insecurity do you belong to, where and how. And it could go on. Is your head spinning? Well. This is and has been going on for about 30 years, if not longer, with degrees of complication later each year, not simplification.

What happens every year

So, I try to explain it to you by brutally simplifying it, pretending to have a father in front of you who is facing this matter for the first time. Or a student who asks me: how do you become a teacher? Let us limit ourselves to the case of first and second grade high school teachers, the so-called disciplinary. The first answer is: every year the modality is different.

At one time a degree was enough, useful for teaching a discipline (Italian, mathematics, English, etc.) then it was understood that a degree was not enough and that it is necessary to form knowledge and skills in pedagogical and didactic disciplines and therefore it was It is necessary to achieve a teaching qualification, necessary both to be eligible for substitute teaching, and to enroll in the rankings that are drawn up in each province in the provincial schools, and to be able to participate in a contest. The way to obtain the degree has changed every year, so we have teachers with degrees with the tfa, with the ssis, and all of them.

But we also have different types of rankings: first level, second level, third level, institute, until exhaustion. Then we have the double channel: that is, the registrations in the role that are made each year, which take so much from the list of those who have carried out a contest, winning it, but have not been assigned a chair, because the number of assignees It depends on the funds provided. in that year to stabilize, both from one of the rankings lists “to exhaustion.” Over the years, these open and close like caudine forks.

Every year many chairs are discovered: precisely because they are vacant, that is, without a tenured teacher and the State does not want to invest resources to cover them, and because the teacher who occupies that year, that month, that period, is not (due to illness, due to maternity leave, for leave). Determining these numbers is as complicated as you can imagine, but it is possible. It is usually done in June, when all registrations have been counted, when the operations for requesting substitutes, updating rankings, mobility, etc. are closed. Could it be done earlier? Yes, it could be done.

The piecework teacher

Then, at the end of August, the piece-rate teacher phenomenon traditionally begins: one goes to all the offices of the provincial schools and the calls begin, that is, the assignment of substitutes by class and by subject. Hundreds of teachers stand outside either in large classrooms or on the stairs, usually without air conditioning, and like day laborers harvesting tomatoes, they wait for you to call your name and choose your chair. Whoever is at the top gets a full chair, and can choose which one to accept, whoever is at the bottom must be satisfied with sections of the chair or chairs in provincial schools. Finally, as you can enroll in the province you prefer, you can also decide to enroll in the provincial rankings of Cuneo, which run faster, since there are fewer teachers, especially in some disciplines, they are chosen; Whoever does it knows that the salary is around 1200/1300 euros and has to take into account the rent and expenses. It is unlikely that this choice can be made by a mother of children (and who wants to be wrong? If we want children to be made), generally the youngest, without family or children. Among other things, the novelty is that this year there is also a lack of teachers in some disciplines in the South. Among the teachers who are presented may be the lawyer, the engineer, the accountant who aspires to a section of the chair six / seven. hours, so that you can continue to do your profession free, and at the same time round off with a certain income base. And vice versa, there may be a recent graduate who only gets to a two-hour segment and then completes doing something else, the secretary, the private teacher. In short, I hope I have confused your ideas. Nothing strange, that’s what a young graduate feels when he decides that he wants to be a teacher, or a graduate for years that comes to mind “but I’m almost going to teach.” And here comes the union to the rescue. All this every year. And every year the rules change, or something changes. But always close to deadlines. And a new acronym arrives.

Even this year.

The calls are no longer made in person, but the GPS “digital call” route (provincial ranking of substitutes) has been digitized. No piecework in the offices, digitized, accelerated, efficient piecework. But when ever. With the School you have to deal with large numbers, in the case of digitization with algorithms and big data, and many know what monsters they are. To fight the monster you need experience, you need knowledge, but above all you need experimentation. Choose a province, test the system, see what is wrong (because it is mathematical that something is wrong), correct what is wrong, test it in two provinces and then three, see what is wrong, because even then something is wrong. we will have to fix it, and then go to your region one and two. And finally, extend the experimentation to all regions. Could it be done this year? Yes. It could have been done, we were all at home and it was the ideal (albeit dramatic) time for expert companies to try different processes, perhaps more companies.

Nothing of this. The new system becomes operational for everyone, like this, suddenly, and from July. The tables of the titles are wrong, the teachers of the rankings find themselves with random scores, the tasks slow down, they freeze, they continue, all this at the end of August, while Italy and all the television stations talk about desks. So the situation this year is not like other years, it is worse.

To this, however, is added the issue of stabilization and competitions. The minister announces stabilizations of totmila, but we all know that those totmila will never be totmila, because in many disciplines there is a lack of qualified teachers, especially in support. And here is the one of the Totmila, only very few thousand reach the chair with the paper. But many thousands of pupils and students find themselves without teachers, permanent teachers or substitutes. Including the son of Premier Conte, according to whom the school is the first thought, but he converted after August 15. Not in March, when many of us on our knees advised you to tackle that problem first.

To this, however, is also added the dispute that took place in June about how a good number of hundreds of thousands of teachers who have been in the rankings for years and years should be stabilized: with competition or scrolling by degrees? The dispute was resolved with a “talk again in September”. That is now.

And here we are.

We come to how it can be remedied.

The writer, almost everyone knows, helped shape the reform of the training and selection of secondary teachers passed and passed into law under the Gentiloni government and murdered in the cradle before it was implemented by the Bussetti government. I am about to return to that model, which aimed precisely at the elimination of this infernal chaos. Also adding the “small” need to improve the quality of the selection and training of a teacher’s skills (a factor that, according to all studies, determines the improvement of an educational system). Many do not like this model: the unions do not like it, because it takes away half of their activity, but I think that by negotiating better the issue could reach a synthesis, the new graduates and the precarious themselves do not like it. However, today an ‘came in and immediately somehow remedied it. The academy does not like it either, which was going to break a bit with the already centuries-old routine of organizing their work, but even with them, by negotiating the issue better, a synthesis could be reached. Those who govern do not like it: if you specialize and qualify and select a category well, taking it from the clerical function to the professional, an army of qualified, licensed and specialized professionals, it does remove a fundamental category of democratic ownership of social hatred and the labor discomfort in which it pays, but then you have to pay it, you have to redesign a contract, you have to take out an undeclared job that seems discretionary but has not been so for years and that you don’t want to take out. And this no, you don’t want to. Because it costs. And not just in cash.

What did that model consist of?

I simplify a lot because it took me a long time and you will be on the verge of fainting, I apologize: I was halfway between the medical specialization model and the doctorate. The contest was held before the three-year specialization course, the numbers were prohibited due to regional needs and therefore with a certain planning of both the chairs and the subjects. No “deportations” and no piecework yards. Three years of theoretical-practical specialization, internship with coaching, for which teaching knowledge and pedagogical skills as well as disciplinary knowledge in the specific subject are put to the test, in the third year substitutes and the subsequent entry into the position. It would also have united university educational research and the school world, distant worlds to blame. Why didn’t even recent graduates want it? Because those three years were paid little, only 500 euros a month. Yes, it is true, nowadays masters and qualification courses are paid, but it was not enough of a reason and certainly none of the unions came to defend it. Does anyone have other models, of course, that propose the requalification of the training of new teachers, but beware, do they really solve the infernal circle of rankings-precarious-empty chairs? Not.

As he has not come to discuss it in a public debate or on television, none of the hundred thousand who are howling at the moon right now about why teachers are missing. It is a call from the heart: problems, not only those of school, are not addressed when you are with both feet in the mud, pay a little attention when someone speaks and fights, because it concerns you, your children, our country and if you don’t, sooner or later you suffer, because they are not just “the usual corporate complaints of the precarious”; in this case, among other things, the precarious will have understood that they are an immense constellation of different galaxies.

Is it Azzolina’s fault? Right now she is the minister. Is it Conte’s fault? Right now he is the Premier. It has always been like that and it happens every year and is it an instrumental controversy? Tell the parents who are doing sit-ins to protest right now.

No, it is not a controversy, it is a suggestion, it is a proposal, it is a request. To act in a structural, systemic and efficient way, avoiding being surrounded by sorcerer’s apprentices who ensure the best possible world and then finding ourselves in the disasters that we all pay for.

The reform of initial training and the hiring of teachers is one of those structural reforms in which to invest part of the funds of the Recovery Fund. One of those multiplying interventions (that is, that they not only pay for, but also generate value, like nests) that Europe asks of us and that would really make a difference. I hope I am not alone in demanding it.
