
Francesco Specchia
A promise is a promise. When against all human predictions, in June 2016, she, “lioness” (or the “green fly”, who is opposed by her opponents, padanamente, to the “white flies” of the party) Susanna Ceccardi, it thundered triumphantly, so that the people of Cascina “would smile again”; well, she was a student under thirty with a speech at the Clint Eastwood. And few, honestly, trusted us.
However, after being elected the first mayor of the Northern League of a red bastion immersed in the ancient heart of Tuscany, Ceccardi, year after year, has seen fit to carry out all the points of the program. The various evictions of illegal nomads in the Salvinian workhorse era, of course. But also pinzellacchere like the tax cut – «of all taxes of‘Imu upwards “-; and the depletion of the kindergarten ranking; and selective waste collection reached 80% among the highest in Tuscany. Susanna Ceccardi, today, is the center-right candidate for the presidency of Tuscany. Looking at her, she looks like a fragile Renaissance madamine Botticelli’s polite, oval gestures, just a hint of idealism sovereign that wanders through the air. In reality, the “girl”, as her opponents called her before finishing with the asphalt, is an excavator bolted directly to the historic pratoni di Pontida. A walk Cascina There is no one, from right to left, who can challenge his job as invincible mayor.

“Let’s say I’m not under Salvini’s wing (who believes in me and I thank him) but the citizens of Cascina are under my wing. For me, every parliamentarian should have been a councilor or mayor in his life, it is a formidable and essential experience ”, he tells us, as he goes from rally to rally penetrating the ravines, the bowels of his region. As I write this, Ceccardi is in his car driven by his partner (his one-year-old daughter, Kinzica, who is named after a medieval heroine, fortunately deposited her outside the electoral frenzy); and moved, after Florence, Scandicci, Pontassieve and Mugello, from Siena to Massa Carrara. Three hours of road layout clumsy and anachronistic. “It was just the streets. The big problem in Tuscany is infrastructure. 37% of the railway is not electrified, 40% has a single track, it takes two hours to get from Siena to Florence. Infrastructure, for Ceccardi, is an obsession. And when you only mention Alviano Lean, the bridge collapsed and was never rebuilt and was left in limbo of good intentions by Commissioner Enrico Rossi, coincidentally outgoing President of the Region and supporter of Eugenio Giani, your direct opponent; well here is the thrush to Susanna.
“Rossi was an immobile governor. In recent years he has thought about growing his Article 21 movement, but it went awry and he returned to the fold of the Democratic Party. Giani is the ideal sequel to Rossi, only he made up this story of the fascists, us, at the gates. But since people here know that there are no fascists, no one believes this story anymore. “Another issue that makes his hair dyed Titian red stand on end is health care.” I talk to people. It is a disaster. . The creation of the three maxi Usl has weakened the small hospitals, they are closing them. They call them “peripheral structures” but for those who live in the suburbs they are essential. They are fed up. That is why I am happy with our surveys. “
It seems that the polls are really low for the center left. We cannot, by law, make known the scrolls of the electoral forks; But if Ceccardi really wins, the power of the event could only be equated to the feat of Guazzaloca who conquered Bologna in 1999. But let’s go back to the fragile lady. Susanna Ceccardi is someone who reads Houellebecq, play De Andrè’s repertoire on the piano, watch alternate montage films, and the explosive creativity of Quentin Tarantino. He has a particular penchant for nonconformists, as they are called in America, for unconventional voices. So that, knowing full well that with only the Northern League audience in Tuscany, she would not go anywhere, the mayor has learned to move around administering and starting with the persons all.
So Susanna is electorally based on a cross-sectional audience ranging from disgruntled businessmen to popular neighborhoods, from small businesses to unemployed multinationals (150,000 jobs lost in Tuscany), from decimated Catholics to historic laity. I don’t know with what cunning or sincerity, but all ethical issues are left at the door or in the personal conscience of the voters. But if you ask him what his strength is and why the hell would people vote for it, Ceccardi is dry: “The program. My strong point is the program, we have it and the others do not, trivially. In the presentation of the lists they told us that the Democratic Party had not delivered it because the electoral law does not require it. Democratic Party to the government. The truth is that the left does not agree on anything. “So that. Once the practice of the people is closed, let’s try to conquer the Comarca. A promise is a promise