there are no cars outside the institutes and ‘stamp’ on the street


All set: back to the classroom. As of Monday, September 7, in Milan, the municipal kindergartens and kindergartens will reopen, which have been closed for months due to the coronavirus emergency. Palazzo Marino, which has sworn to have found a place for the 30 thousand registered children despite the new obligations imposed by the epidemic, is finalizing the last details, with one eye inevitably turned to safety and another to the environment, a real battle of the meeting after the closure.

For this reason, the administration has structured a real action plan: “To avoid gatherings at entry and exit times, three types of intervention will be implemented according to the streets where the schools are located,” they explained from Palazzo Marino.

There are no cars to take the children to school.

And in detail: “In schools where there is no wide sidewalk or pedestrian zone and there is no public transport crossing, the” free car “will be established: the prohibition of vehicles on the street adjacent to the school, during entry and exit; in schools that have wide sidewalks or a currently unprotected pedestrian zone, poles will be placed to prevent irregular parking of vehicles ”.

And again: “In the remaining schools we will proceed to a ‘stamp’ of the sidewalk area surrounding the entrance, similar to that used in public transport, to indicate the most correct and prudent position for the children and caregivers who wait The entrance”.

“It is suggested to encourage the accompaniment on foot or by bicycle of an adult with a child, preferably with more children to reduce traffic in the times of entry and exit near schools”, the invitation of the administration.

Fever measured on staff, devices ready

And also from the point of view of the “safety of the staff and the environment in the school”, the municipality has ensured that it has done everything. “The staff of the nursery and preschool centers will be equipped with all personal protective equipment and will be subjected to daily body temperature measurements,” Palazzo Marino underlined.

“The staff, voluntarily as required by national legislation, undergo serological tests organized by the Lombardy Region through the competent Ats. The municipality has already purchased for the start of activities: 824,900 disposable gloves, 174,220 masks surgical procedures, 1,494 FFP2 masks, 4,000 protective visors, 5,800 packs of sanitizing gel – to which another 4,040 packs will be added soon – and it will guarantee subsequent supplies, ”said the municipality.

Therefore: “An investment of 6 million euros has been estimated and activated only for the period September / December 2020 to intensify the cleaning of school spaces, games and furniture. Investment that will continue in 2021 ”. And “the surfaces will be cleaned several times a day, a periodic air exchange in all environments, frequent cleaning of games, toys and educational materials”.

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Finally, they pointed out from Palazzo Marino, “the teaching and auxiliary staff were trained in all hygienic and sanitary procedures to combat the spread of the infection and the covid-19 contact in charge of first aid was identified.”
