there are bonuses, rem and grants


the Revival Decree it is “a complex text with more than 250 articles: 55 billion, like two maneuvers, two budget laws.” This was stated by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, when announcing the economic measures approved by the government.

Regarding the next steps to ease the blockade, Conte has announced that a decree-law and not a dpcm will be adopted in view of May 18 to allow the discussion on the new measures to be parliamented. After the press conference at the Palazzo Chigi, the council of ministers resumed to launch the guidelines that will be sent to the Regions in view of the reopening of the 18th. As Conte explained at this stage in which it is moving towards an almost restart full interregional transfers will not be allowed since “they could condition an evaluation of the epidemiological curve”.

Relaunch decree: what changes

In text of the relaunch decree, which will be published in the next few hours, contains many of the advances that we have talked about in recent days. The main interventions include:

  • the introduction of emergency income (up to € 800 for units with Isee of up to € 15 thousand);
  • tax subsidies and discounts;
  • the redundancy fund that will arrive faster;
  • parental leave was extended to 30 days, and childcare vouchers doubled to € 1,200 for everyone (€ 2,000 for operators in health and social service and law enforcement agencies);
  • right to agile work (smart work) for parents with children up to 14 years old;
  • bonus of 600 euros for the self-employed in April and May;
  • holiday bonus of 500 euros for families with less than 40 thousand euros;
  • canceled the June installation of Irap (the regional tax on productive activities) of up to 250 million in turnover;
  • deferment of corporate tax payments until September: taxpayers must pay the ‘debt’ with the tax authorities in a single solution or in four installments;
  • notifications of tax collection documents are postponed until September 1, while the delivery of assessment documents will restart at the end of the year, while for notification the deadline is set from January 1 to December 31 from 2021;
  • stop at the first Imu installment for hotels, farms, campsites and bathing establishments;
  • rental tax credits (up to 60%);
  • 60 percent tax credit for expenses that companies will have to make to secure facilities;
  • to stop the tax for the occupation of public land for bars and restaurants until October;
  • 2 thousand and 40 thousand euros of contributions for companies: in June there will be a direct non-refundable snack for companies: the Revenue Agency will once be the exit agency;
  • Cassa Depositi e Prestiti can intervene to recapitalize companies in strategic assets;
  • € 1 billion was allocated to nursery gardening, farm stays and the wine supply chain;
  • Discounts are designed to reduce electricity bills by reducing fixed costs so that bills match what has actually been consumed;
  • bicycle voucher to cover up to a maximum of 500 euros, 60% of the cost incurred for the purchase of bicycles or scooters from May 4, 2020 to December 31, 2020 for residents in municipalities with a population of more of 50,000 inhabitants;
  • funds for the research and hiring of 4,000 researchers and 78,000 teachers;
  • Bonus and earthquake bonus extended to 110% (provided an overall upgrade of two energy classes, or transition from class B to class A) is obtained. The measure will allow work to improve the energy class and make homes safe at no cost to citizens, since they will obtain a tax deduction equivalent to 110% of the amount spent or the total discount on the bill by transferring the credit. prosecutor to the company that carried out the work. In turn, the company may assign unlimited credit to suppliers and also to banking institutions that obtain immediate liquidity.
  • Regarding health, the family (or community) nurse arrives and invests in home services.

Regularization of migrants, Minister Bellanova is moved: the video

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The amnesty for the temporary regularization of migrants working in Italy was approved. Those who have an expired residence permit, or domestic workers, caregivers and agricultural workers, are regularized.

These people can apply for a temporary residence permit without an accompanying employer. If they show a previous employment relationship in agriculture, they can receive a work permit for 6 months. Those who have been convicted of illegal recruitment, exploitation of prostitution, or illegal immigration are excluded from the benefit.

The regularization of migrants was one of the reasons for the slowdown in the approval of the decree that would have been closed last Sunday. This was explained by the Minister of Economy and Finance, Roberto Gualtieri, guest of Lilli Gruber at Otto e mezzo at La7. Overcoming the political impasse to further delay the launch of the move were the new EU rules to support the business system. In particular, Gualitieri explains that the new communication from the European Commission, the Temporay Framework, has defined the contours of something that previously could not be done and can now be done.

++ updated article: click to see the news ++

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