There are already 75 schools closed by Covid, more than 470 with infections


The data come from a database and a map prepared by a young researcher and a university student – Vittorio Nicoletta and Lorenzo Ruffino – who have collected, since the reopening of the institutes, news and orders from the mayors. The most affected regions are Lombardy, Emilia Romagna and Tuscany

There are already 75 schools closed and more than 470 those in which at least one case of Covid-19 has occurred at this start of the school year.

The closure map

At the head of the affected schools are Lombardy, Emilia Romagna, Tuscany and Lazio. Positive for coronavirus in 76% of cases are students, in 13% teachers, the rest concern other school personnel. In total, in Italy there are 8 thousand institutes for 30 thousand facilities. The numbers come from a map and a database created by a young researcher and a university student – Vittorio Nicoletta and Lorenzo Ruffino – who have collected news and orders from the mayors since the institutes reopened. In the period from September 14 to 23, news of Covid-19 was detected in at least 381 schools. On September 24, 59 cases were reported, while on 25 another 18 were reported. In Rome there are about twenty schools involved, in Bologna about fifteen, in Milan there are 13. Among the regions the most affected are Lombardy (more than 90 ), Emilia Romagna (more than 70), Tuscany (more than 50). These are some of the latest schools where coronavirus cases have occurred (UPDATES – SPECIAL).

Covid at school in Trentino Alto Adige

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In Trentino Alto Adige, Covid cases have been detected in some schools in Bolzano, while the Gandhi Institute in Merano, where five positives were found, was closed for 15 days. Five new cases of positivity were also recorded in some Italian language institutes in Bolzano at the Carducci classical secondary school, at the Torricelli scientific secondary school, at Ite Cesare Battisti, at the Longon primary school in Bolzano and at the Casa del Bosco nursery school. . In Bolzano, the students of the classes in question are in preventive quarantine and awaiting communication from the Health Authority to perform the swab. The classrooms and the areas involved will be disinfected as soon as possible. In some classes, integrated digital teaching has already been activated as required by the institute’s digital plan. In the last few days in Bolzano a case of positivity was found among the students of the San Filippo Neri primary school. The class in which a case was registered was placed under preventive quarantine.

Covid at school in Friuli Venezia Giulia

In Friuli Venezia Giulia, a pupil of the secondary school “Julia Division” in Trieste tested positive for coronavirus. Classmates, 17 students and eight teachers were quarantined. This was announced by the Vice President of Friuli Venezia Giulia, Riccardo Riccardi, through a tweet. Guest of the ‘Ring’ program of the local Telequattro radio station, Riccardi explained that contact tracing has been started on all contacts. Also in Trieste, in recent days, a first student from Isis Nautico Galvani in Trieste was placed in fiduciary isolation after testing positive on swab. His 18 classmates and 8 teachers were also placed in solitary confinement.

Covid at school in Veneto

In Veneto, in recent days, more than 60 people have been quarantined after two students, at two different institutes in the Treviso area, tested positive. Quarantine also for two classes (including four teachers) of a kindergarten in the Conegliano district after the positivity of a child. In the Venetian area, the detection of Covid-19 in schools, in recent days, has registered 17 cases in 16 institutions involved. According to Ulss 3 Serenissima, 13 students and 3 school operators located in so many school complexes were positive. About 40 students and teachers were quarantined, including an entire class.

Covid at the Lombardy school

In Lombardy, one of the latest cases concerns the Vizzolo Predabissi primary school, in the province of Milan, two children from the same class tested positive for coronavirus. All the children in the class stayed home and so did their teacher. There are 33 positive cases and 435 isolated people after the controls carried out by the Ats (former ASL) Metropolitan City of Milan from the start of the school until September 20. More precisely, 27 students and six operators tested positive. Three cases were registered in the Lodi area, 14 in the city of Milan and the remaining 16 in the province. Among the blocks, 15 are operators and 420 students. The ATS will provide weekly bulletins with data from the previous week beginning September 29 on Tuesdays.

Covid at school in Piedmont

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According to data released on September 23, there are 24 positive cases among students and school operators found in Piedmont since the resumption of lessons at regional access points dedicated to schools. Among the new cases, two are in the province of Cuneo, in the Monregalese area. It is about a high school and middle school student from Mondovì, where the operator of a municipal kindergarten had tested positive in recent days. Among the new cases of positivity also that of a high school student in Valenza, in the Alessandria area. In this case, however, the infection would have occurred outside the school and the child would have warned the institute even before undergoing the swab.

Covid in the school of Emilia Romagna

In Emilia Romagna, cases of positivity to the coronavirus have been registered in several schools in Reggio Emilia. He is a student at a primary school in Reggio Emilia, a first-grade student from Rolo’s secondary school and two from the institute in Novellara, A Reggiolo, where in a first grade at the comprehensive institute a colleague tested positive for one of the five infected siblings in the In the final days of a family outbreak, the entire class will stay home until at least October 2. In recent days, cases of Covid-19 have also been registered in schools in the area of ​​Modena, Bologna (14 institutions involved) and Cesena.

Covid at school in Tuscany

A total of eight Covid positivities were found, as of September 20, in schools in the areas of Pisa, Lucca and Massa Carrara and currently administered by the ASL of Northwest Tuscany that, with the Hygiene and Public Health structures of the various territories, together with the school personnel and the interested municipalities, are carrying out epidemiological investigations related to children and personnel. Among the eight cases there are three students from the province of Pisa, three from Lucca and a teacher and a school bus driver in Massa Carrara. A teacher who also tested positive for Aretino.

Covid at school in Abruzzo

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So far, 16,763 serological tests have been carried out in Abruzzo to school personnel, as part of the national examination to contain the Covid 19 infection: 118 tests have been positive. This was reported by the regional health counselor, Nicoletta Verì, specifying that compared to last week there is an increase of 1,662 exams. The positive tests were: 32 in the Asl Avezzano-Sulmona-L’Aquila (+2), 37 in the Asl Lanciano-Vasto-Chieti (unchanged), 31 in the Asl de Pescara (+8) and 18 in the Asl of Teramo (-1 for a correction). For all, security protocols and contextual acceptance by the regional health system have been activated.

Covid at school in Lazio

In Lazio, several cases concern schools. Six cases of Covid-19 have been detected at the Orazio secondary school in the Monte Sacro district in Rome. According to what has been learned, these are students who attend the same class. They are cleaning their close contacts. ASL Roma 1 is evaluating the measures to be implemented, such as quarantine for the class. A case of Covid-19 also in the Falcone and Borsellino institute, is a high school student. The ASL has ordered the immediate quarantine of two classes. Two infections were also identified at the Fratelli Bandiera institute, in the Piazza Bologna area of ​​Rome. They are two teachers, one of whom had not yet joined the service. A student at the Leonardo da Vinci secondary school in Maccarese, in the municipality of Fiumicino, was also positive. Finally, the secondary school of the De Merode institute in Rome was closed until October 1 after a case of positivity among the students.

Covid at school in Puglia

In Puglia, the mayor of Taranto Rinaldo Melucci signed an ordinance that orders the postponement of the school activity of the Renato Frascolla comprehensive institute until October 7, after a teacher tested positive for Covid-19. This is to allow for the regular period of fiduciary isolation provided for all staff who come into contact with the teacher. A new sanitation cycle was also decided for all the areas involved.

Covid at school in Calabria

Thirty children from a private kindergarten in Cosenza, where a teacher tested positive for the coronavirus, were subjected to smears. Also try for families. Meanwhile, many parents have announced that legal action will be taken against the management of the private nursery. They complain, as reported, of “lack of attention from the asylum manager.”

Covid at school in Sicily

Seven nurseries in Palermo have already been closed since the beginning of the year due to suspected Covid cases. These are the Allodola, Melograno, Filastrocca, Rosolino Pilo, Popeye, Il Faro and Peter Pan municipal children’s section schools. The mayor of Piana degli Albanesi, in the province of Palermo, closed the schools after a positive case was registered . Same decision for the asylum and for the maternal in Villafrati, also in Palermo. In Catania, the Covid-19 cases occurred at Cutelli secondary school, Livio Tempesta institute and Cutelli boarding school. Some classrooms and school personnel have been quarantined.
