there are 54,000 infections at work, 319 deaths. 80% of cases in northern Italy-


In late September, reports to Inail of Covid-19 contagion at work exceeded 54,000 units (54,128) with an increase of 1,919 complaints compared to the end of August. theA In its Report, it indicates that 319 deaths were reported, 16 more than at the end of August (most of the deaths are distributed between March and April, with no cases in September).

The 54,128 reported cases are approximately 15% of all workplace accident reports received since the beginning of the year, with an incidence of 17.2% of the total national infections reported by the Higher Institute of Health (ISS) on the same date and concentrated mainly in March (51.2%) and April (33.8%). Compared to the previous monitoring, carried out on August 31, there are 1,919 more reports, of which 1,127 correspond to infections that occurred in September and the other 792 in the previous months, due to the consolidation of the data.

The average age of Covid infection victims at work is 59.

As highlighted in the ninth national report prepared by the Institute’s Statistical Actuarial Consultancy, the fatal cases of contagion from Covid-19 are equivalent to around one third of the total deaths reported to Inail since the beginning of the year. Deaths are mainly concentrated in men (84.0%) and in the group aged 50 to 64 years (69.9%) and over 64 years (19.4%), with an average age of the deceased of 59 years .
In almost nine cases out of 10 (89.3%) they are Italian workers, while among foreigners the most affected communities are Peruvians (with 17.6% of the deaths occurred to foreigners), Romanians (14.7% ) and Albanian (11.8%). Taking into account the total reported occupational infections, the sex ratio is reversed (approximately seven out of 10 infected (70.7%) are women) and the average age drops to 47 years.

Infections at work and territorial distribution: 80% in the Northwest

The territorial analysis shows that more than half of the complaints presented to Inail by the infections at work of Covid 19 (55.1%) as of September 30 falls in Northwest, followed by Northeast (24.4%), Central (11.9%), South (6.2%) and Islands (2.4%). By focusing the analysis exclusively on fatal cases, the percentage of the Northwest rises to 56.7%, while the South, with 16.0% of deaths, precedes the Northeast (13.8%), the Center ( 11.6%) and the Islands (1.9%).

Lombardy is the region most affected by Covid infections at work

The Lombardy the most affected region is confirmed, with 35.2% of reported infections and 41.7% of fatal cases.
Among the provinces, however, the negative record belongs to that of Milan, with 10.8% of all reported workplace infections, followed by Turin (7.8%), Brescia (5.4%) and Bergamo (4.6%), which with 37 deaths, equivalent to 11, 6% of the total, is confirmed first by the number of fatal cases, followed by the provinces of Milan (8.2%), Brescia (7.8%) and Naples (6.0%).
