There are 12 positives in Ravenna. There are 268 active Covid cases: 8 hospitalized, 260 in home isolation


THE REGIONAL SITUATION, TODAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 2020 In Emilia romagna signed up today, September 1 99 cases of positivity (There were 1,117 yesterday, of these 99 cases, 45 are asymptomatic identified in the context of regional contact tracing and detection activities). 32,021 cases in total since the start of the pandemic. HE swabs performed on the last day were more than 10,700, with an average of positive swabs returning to 0.92 percent (yesterday it was 1.92). The mean age of new positives from today He is 34 years old. Today there are no dead.

Of the 99 new cases, more than half (55) They were already in isolation at the time of the swab execution and 49 have been identified in the context of known outbreaks. am 2. 3 new infections connected to you come from abroad, for which the Region has provided two nasopharyngeal swabs during fiduciary isolation if arriving from non-Schengen countries and one swab if returning from Greece, Spain, Croatia and Malta. The number of cases of return from other regions it is sixteen.

its 45 new asymptomatic, 12 were identified through the examinations and tests introduced by the Region, 32 thanks to the contact tracing activity, while 1 case emerged from the pre-hospital tests. Regarding the situation in the territory, the highest number of cases is registered in the provinces of Modena (22), Bologna and Imola (20) me then Ravenna (12) It’s in Forlì (10).

In the province of Modena, of 22 cases, 10 were identified upon returning from abroad (2 India, 4 Albania, 2 Spain and 2 Greece), 4 refer to returns from Sardinia, 1 is a positive case contact who returned from Sardinia, 3 are part of 4 family outbreaks were finally classified as sporadic. TO Bologna and province, out of 20 new cases, 5 were identified upon returning from Sardinia, 5 upon returning from abroad (2 from France, 1 from Ukraine, 2 from Russia), 6 from tracing after family outbreaks, 3 are attributable to isolated group in Cervia nightclub, 1 swab to detect the presence of symptoms.

In the province of Ravenna, of 12 new cases, 10 were identified thanks to contact tracing from known positives, mainly in the family, 1 was diagnosed upon returning from abroad (Albania) and 1 had the swab performed again due to the presence of symptoms. TO Forlì of 10 new positives, 3 are attributable to the nightclub in Cervia, 1 was identified when returning from Sardinia, 1 returned from abroad (Romania), 2 are close contacts of known positives, 2 have swabs to detect the presence of symptoms, 1 spontaneously carried out the controls in a private laboratory.

Infographics and data analysis in Emilia-Romagna are available online via the regular infection progress report:

ACTIVE CASES – Active cases, that is, the number of real patients, continue to grow and today are 3,061 (84 more than those registered yesterday).

PEOPLE IN ISOLATION – People isolated at home, that is, those with mild symptoms that do not require hospital treatment or do not have symptoms, are generally 2,946 (+ 84 compared to yesterday).

INTENSIVE THERAPY9 patients remain in intensive care and 106 those admitted in other Covid rooms.

Cure– Healed people in general are 24,497 (+ 15).

DEATH – Today there are no dead.

CASES IN THE REGION BY PROVINCIAL – These are the new cases of positivity in the area, which refer not to the province of residence, but to the one in which the diagnosis was made:

  • 6,202 to Bologna and Imola (+20, of which 13 symptomatic)
  • 5,389 a Reggio emilia (+8, of which 4 symptomatic)
  • 4,816 a Piacenza (data unchanged)
  • 4,419 to Modena (+22, of which 14 symptomatic)
  • 3,972 a Parma (+9, of which 5 symptomatic)
  • 2,433 a Rimini (+4, of which 2 symptomatic)
  • 1,447 to Ravenna (+12, of which 5 symptomatic)
  • 1,231 a Ferrara (+7, of which 2 symptomatic)
  • 1,139 to Forlì (+10, of which 4 symptomatic)
  • 975 to Cesena (+7, of which 5 symptomatic).

Information from the Ravenna authorities today, September 1

Through the provincial territory of Ravenna today 12 new positives have been registered: these are 4 male and 8 female patients; 7 asymptomatic while 5 presented symptoms, all in home isolation. Ten new positivities refer to the tracing of contacts with cases already verified, mainly at the family level; 1 new positivity follows symptoms; 1 new positivity after the return from Albania. There were no deaths while 3 complete cures were recorded. For a more long-term figure, it must be added that yesterday the people completely cured amounted to 1,055 (13 of which in the last week), while the patients still in disease (active cases) were 268 (141 more than the 24 of August). ); of these patients 8 are hospitalized and 260 in home isolationOf the last 179 asymptomatic and 81 with symptoms compatible with this regimen. Finally, 785 people are in quarantine and active surveillance for being close contacts with positive cases or who have returned to Italy from abroad. The total number of cases diagnosed since the beginning of the infection in the Ravenna area, updated today, is therefore 1,447, whose distribution by municipality is as follows:

  • 68 residents outside the province of Ravenna (+1)
  • 634 to Ravenna (+ 6)
  • 211 in Faenza (+ 2)
  • 117 Cervia (+1)
  • 96 Lugo
  • 65 Russians
  • 54 Bagnacavallo
  • 37 Alfonsine (+ 2)
  • 36 castel Bolognese
  • 25 Fusignano
  • 20 Cotignola
  • 19 Brisighella
  • 18 Massa Lombarda
  • 17 Solarolo
  • 10 Conselice
  • 10 Riolo Terme
  • 7 Sant’Agata sul Santerno
  • 2 Casola Valsenio
  • 1 Bagnara
