This time the Father It will not be in Piazza di Spagna on December 8: no act of veneration of the Immaculate Conception. The news was a bit calm, while the Vatican has entrusted everything to the most classic of press releases.
The Catholic Church, due to Covid-19, is forced to make changes. Some see only the need, others think thatchurch you are stepping down from your leadership role, especially during a pandemic. We all remember the last Easter: French Pope he will remain in history for his spiritual initiatives of that period. Now, however, the air is different: the French Catholic base, above all, no longer seems willing to support decisions taken from above. Those who in France, according to those who took to the streets (and also by the thought of the episcopate) would undermine freedom of worship. And religious services remain “spiritual emergencies.”
In Italy the climate is not so hot and the Vatican does not have hinges in Paris: is it normal that in these parts the base does not act on the restrictions as it happens beyond the Alps? Meanwhile, the Holy See has decided: not December 8, at least not what tradition had accustomed us to. For the Christmas mass we will see. Yes but why? Is there a history of the Immaculate Conception in Rome? Some faithful speculate that the closure would have been enough Piazza di Spagna. After all, there are those who have the right to narrow the field for a time. “But no – they tell us, whispering anonymously from the lion’s walls – there is no precedent on December 8.” And then why? “It was not the Pope who decided: Covid-19 and the gatherings have decided.” So there is no retro-thought, much less a design: Bergoglio has not provided help to the government, which in the meantime must also take care of our episcopate, with the time of Christmas Masses in question. We insist on the eventual background but nothing: “It would not have been possible to delimit the Piazza di Spagna and then people would still have flocked to watch.” Common sense, therefore, and nothing more.
Not everyone is there, it must be said. One priest we interviewed began by saying that he did not want to be tempted. There is no explanation why the cancellation. However, we have perceived some disagreement. Anyway, something will happen: “On December 8, the Holy Father Francis will perform an act of private devotion, entrusting the city of Rome, its inhabitants and the many sick people from all over the world to Our Lady.” And again: “The choice not to go to Piazza di Spagna in the afternoon for the traditional Act of veneration of the Immaculate Conception is due to the persistent health emergency situation and to avoid any risk of contagion caused by the meetings.”, have been made known by the Holy See, as broadcast by theAnsa. A “caged” pontiff, as in the audience library on Wednesday during the first confinement. A Holy Father who would have gladly gone to Piazza di Spagna on December 8, but who cannot. This is the only truth that emerges, regardless of the opinion of the faithful.
Another priest hides less: “To say that a crying priest asked to be excused from answering”. In what sense do we respond: “This is already an answer”, responded the respondent. The fact is, some Catholics just don’t want that. church Give up your physical presence due to the pandemic. But we know how much science has entered by right among the subjects that the Vatican has in strong consideration, and perhaps it would have been strange the opposite, that is, a Church that did not take into account the situation in which we find ourselves, almost as if it were It will be a medieval pandemic. Something has changed, yes, and not everyone is fine. These are not the times of the processions in the square. Nor is it a matter, as clergymen would have done in the past, of building shrines capable of defending people from “disease.” Many cults were born this way in earlier times.
Between those who perceive this type of election as a kind of unjustified concealment and those who interpret everything on the basis of a health need that cannot stop being a priority, the Church is changing. And the debate on this point does not exist, neither in the Vatican nor outside. There are those who would not want that to happen, but this is another matter.