Thebes (League): «Gravina and Dal Pino, great work»


He is considered one of the most powerful and listened to men in world football. Fifty-seven years, lawyer, graduated from the University of Zaragoza, Javier since 2013 Thebes guide the League by force of growth and re-election: his term will end in 2024. «I follow daily the evolution of the situation in the different countries» he assures me Gabriele Gravina He is working very well, with a remarkable sense of responsibility and with success. He is perfectly aware of the seriousness of the moment and the health problem, as well as the economic aspect. He knows that there are characters trying to exploit the pandemic to gain advantage. But the risk today is a financial pandemic. Finishing the season is not only an economic goal, but also one of moral integrity. The Spanish clubs supervise them step by step with the sole objective of concluding the championships in complete safety. We said one thing very clearly: the protocols that have been developed both in Spain and by you are excellent and allow players, coaches and staff to work in peace. “

France made the opposite choice.

“In France have been rushed, yours is not an example to follow, nor can we compare the Ligue 1 to ours and to A series. I am sure that other interests have intervened, in addition, the French were late with the protocol. A fisherman risks much more. an assembly line worker or supermarket staff versus a footballer who trains according to our protocols. Excellent work also that of my colleague Paolo Dal Pino. You have a duty to protect the integrity and sustainability of clubs by trying to complete the season. We still do not know the start date of the League, we will know soon.
