The young Carlo Acutis was blessed: “A beacon of light for those who want to follow his example”


He is blissful Carlo sharp, the Milanese student who died at the age of 15 on October 12, 2006 at the San Gerardo de Monza hospital, after just three days of suffering from fulminant leukemia, recognized by the Church, despite its short existence, as model of Christian life and faith. Pope Francis, in the apostolic exhortation “Christus vivit”, proposed it to young people as a model of holiness in the digital age. The proclamation of Carlo Acutis blessed, decreed by Pope Bergoglio, was pronounced by Cardinal Agostino Vallini, papal delegate for the Basilicas of San Francisco and Santa Maria degli Angeli, during the mass celebrated in the Upper Basilica of Assisi.

The liturgical memory of Blessed Carlo Acutis will be celebrated each year on October 12, the day of his death. At the end of the reading of the pontifical letter of beatification, the applause of those present rose in the Franciscan basilica, including the Acutis family. So also in the square in front. His image was then discovered behind the altar and the relic was brought back. The request for beatification was made during the liturgy by Archbishop Domenico Sorrentino, Archbishop of Assisi, a city where the Acutis family has a home and where young Carlo spent long periods of time, becoming passionate about the figure and spirituality of Saint Francis, and where he was buried. by his will.

For some time, in the Sanctuary of Dispossession of the Franciscan city, the remains of the young man have been exposed for the veneration of the faithful. As a lover of new technologies, which he used assiduously to transmit Christian values, Carlo Acutis is already mentioned as a possible “patron” of the Internet. For the purposes of his beatification, a miracle was recognized, the cure considered inexplicable of Matheus, a six-year-old Brazilian boy who suffered from a serious malformation of the pancreas. “Today we are particularly admired and attracted by the life and testimony of Carlo Acutis, whom the Church recognizes as a model and example of Christian life, proposing him above all to young people,” said the cardinal. Vallini in the homily.

Speaking of “what was special about this 15-year-old boy”, the former cardinal vicar recalled it as “a normal, simple, spontaneous and pleasant boy“, who” loved nature and animals, played soccer and had many friends his age. “He was drawn to modern means of social communication. he continued. He was passionate about computers, and as a self-taught he built programs to transmit the Gospel and communicate values ​​and beauty. He had the gift of attracting, and he was perceived as an example. “The cardinal also recalled how” as a child “the new blessed felt” the need for faith “and had” his gaze fixed on Jesus. “

“Carlo often said: ‘the Eucharist is my way to heaven'”. And again: “You go straight to heaven if you go to the Eucharist every day.” Vallini also spoke of the “assiduous evangelization work in the environments that he frequented, touching the hearts of the people he knew.” Speaking of the Internet, Carlo said that “the Internet is not just an escape route, but a space for dialogue, knowledge, exchange, mutual respect, to be used responsibly, without becoming a slave to it and rejecting digital bullying.” The exhibition of the main Eucharistic miracles, created by Acutis and still present online, took place on five continents: in the United States alone in almost 10,000 parishes; in the rest of the world in hundreds of parishes and in some of the most famous Marian shrines, such as Fatima, Lourdes and Guadalupe.

In addition to remembering the spirit of charity of the young “towards the neighbor, the poor, the elderly alone, the homeless”, card. Vallini touched on the moment of the illness, which Carlo “faced with serenity”. “I want to offer all my sufferings to the Lord for the Pope and for the Church.“he said. An example of holiness, the celebrant stressed,” as a goal available to all, and not as an abstract model. ” Good news, a strong announcement – finally defined it – that a child of our time, one among many, was conquered by Christ and became a beacon of light for those who want to follow his example.

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