The yellow in Conte’s poll came out “by mistake.” Earthquake in the pre-election silence – Il Tempo


One week from the vote of the Referendum in the MP cut is yellow in a Ipsos survey commissioned by the Council Presidency. In full pre-election silence, the Ansa agency mistakenly entered the results of the survey on voting intentions and approval of the leaders commissioned by the prime minister. Giuseppe Conte, just to cancel everything. “ANSA released the data from a survey commissioned by the Prime Minister, then, a short time ago, after approximately 2 hours, it sent a cancellation note. I do not remember that something like this happened in the middle of the pre-election blackout,” he writes. On twitter Lorenzo Pregliasco, pollster and founder of YouTrend.

Giuseppe Conte investigated in Trento.  The lawyer needs the lawyer

Last night Pregliasco had noticed the launch of the “banned” agency and the director of Ansa had responded to his tweet. Luigi Contu: “It was a mistake and we apologize for it. As soon as we found out, we canceled and deleted the news. The justifications and excuses do not convince everyone. Guido Crosetto laconic comments: “Well …” while many users do not settle for excuses and some raise one “Small hand“behind the error.

Conte rehabilitates Lannutti: the photo with Grillo after the anti-Semitic tweet
