
Francesco Storace
No, Speranza does not report to The Guardian which accuses him of conspiracy with the WHO. He shrugs, Minister, and waits for the night to pass. No, the health minister does not expect the World Health Organization to get him out of secrets about the national plan against the pandemic and its false reissues. What is on everyone’s lips does not even touch. In Piazza Pulita he spoke of it with the frankness of those who swear not to know what world it comes from.
Nor does it move – as an institutional representative of his level should do – so that those who want to collaborate with the magistrates of Bergamo are free from the embarrassment of diplomatic immunity that hides the truth about the role played by the number two of the WHO. Ranieri War in history that takes weeks.
No, Roberto Speranza -the one who preaches the anti-Covid unit as appropriate- denies the documents requested by two parliamentary Brothers of Italy, Galeazzo Bignami and Marcello Gemmato, and then in front of the TAR to which the two go. having them also constitutes a civil part. And why, Minister? The question is essential: what should Minister Speranza hide about the pandemic that killed 60,000 Italian citizens?
Why are you silent on the conspiracy charge? It all starts with the scoop on the Report aired a few weeks ago, even if Bignami remembers filing, no one knows how many questions about the case over the months. The last of which, three days ago, urged the government to enforce the convention (dating from 1947!) With which the UN regulates “specialized institutions.” It is written in it that the WHO “must revoke the immunity granted to an expert in all cases in which it is believed that it obstructs the action of justice.” The Minister of Health, if in good faith, must demand the waiver of the immunity of the researcher Francesco Zambon. Who wants to collaborate with the judicial authority and does not intend to flee.
The fact is that perhaps as of December 22, the secret papers will be able to be released if the TAR forces the Ministry of Health to make them known, based on that emergency plan that was discussed at the beginning of the pandemic and which there were only journalistic indiscretions.
Then there is the sagging of the WHO. The Bergamo prosecutor has already questioned Ranieri Guerra. Because we want to know if Italy has done what it had to do to avoid the catastrophe. The pandemic plan is known to have stopped in 2006 and Ranieri Guerra himself would have forced investigator Francesco Zambon to change the date to 2017 and beyond. And about what happened, the magistrates cannot listen to Zambon, because the WHO – unlike what Ranieri Guerra allowed – invokes diplomatic immunity for the investigator. Speranza and Di Maio do not receive them, nobody moves to uncover secrets and mysteries.
Still, transparency would be necessary after everything that has happened. The same accusations from the British magazine are very serious, because there is talk of a conspiracy between the WHO and Hope to hide a dossier that highlighted Italy’s lack of preparation for the pandemic. A structure, the Italian, “chaotic, confused, creative”.
The same 2006 plan certainly couldn’t help Italy in 2020 deal with the coronavirus, apart from the model Prime Minister Conte is talking about. “As of 2013, all countries had to adopt the pandemic plan, obligatorily,” says Bignami, who has read countless documents, but nothing moved. Roberto Speranza, Giulia Grillo and Beatrice Lorenzin, from 2013 until today, have simply forgotten. In addition, Ranieri Guerra was director general of the Ministry of Health until 2017 and had to write it himself.
It was necessary to prepare the country in the necessary beds, in intensive care, in the doctors and nurses that should be available, in personal protection equipment based on gloves and masks. And even about the economic impact of the pandemic.
If all this has been omitted, explain why the first WHO report disappeared. Because they didn’t want to upset the Italian government. And it is very serious if the “conspiracy”, as defined by The Guardian, originated from an organization that has an obligation to become independent from governments.
To the secrets known so far, we now also discover the government’s refusal to reveal documents to two parliamentarians and even form a civil party against them. With a detail that would be funny if it were not a national tragedy: you have to contact the CTS, says the ministry to escape the request to the Tar. However, since January there has been talk of the secret plan on the pandemic that had been seen in the ministry with the decision not to make it public. In short, we still want to hide news, stocks, reports. All this The Guardian called it “conspiracy”. But Speranza takes it out on two deputies.