the weather alert sounds, here are the forecasts


Bad weather and storms in Milan. Beginning at 6 pm on Thursday, September 10, a weather alert for severe thunderstorms goes into effect. The bulletin, published by the civil protection of the Lombardy Region, foresees an ordinary criticality: yellow code, danger level two out of four. The alert will be in effect until the morning of Friday, September 11.

Palazzo Marino has announced that it will activate the Municipal Operations Center (COC) to monitor the hydrometric levels of the Seveso and Lambro rivers. MM’s local police, civil protection and water services teams will be in the field in order to graduate the activation of the emergency plan.

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Weather forecast

The region’s meteorologists forecast “moderate to strong storms, possible scattered over the west and isolated sectors in the Pre-Alps, particularly between 8 pm on Thursday (starting from the Apennines of Pavia, with subsequent movement from south to north- northwest) and Friday 8 am Friday afternoon, possible showers scattered over the Pre-Alps, but with low probability of intense phenomena ”.
