
me migrants that are positive for coronavirus they must be placed in isolation, but in accommodations that have at least three stars. Today’s edition of The weather notices the announcement of the Prefecture of Rome for the administrators of the accommodation facilities, who must send their offers before 12 noon on 7 September. The hospitality service is intended for 100 migrants staying in hotels with a minimum rating of three stars: not only that, because the structure must have at least 50 individual rooms available, since the accommodation must be for the exclusive use of the quarantined user and it is absolutely forbidden to receive visitors.
But that is not all because those responsible for the contract must also provide the following services: “Ordinary maintenance of the rooms, reception / surveillance 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and supply of bathroom soaps and toilet paper as necessary”. The price based on the tender is equal to “30 euros per capita per day net of VAT, if due”: therefore, based on the presumed need for 100 places for hospitality the value of the contract is estimated at 90 thousand euros. “This amount – reads the announcement of the Prefecture of Rome – is derived from the price based on the tender and for a duration of 30 days from September 16 to October 15. It should be noted that the above amount is merely indicative, since the final amount will be determined based on the services actually provided “.
