
Regarding the anti-Covid vaccine, I would start with the non-mandatory one, but we will evaluate ”. This was stated by the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza speaking in Che tempo che fa in Rai3. Italy must try to achieve herd immunity and, therefore, a mass vaccination against covid “with persuasion”. “I think that with a real campaign we can try to achieve collective immunity without starting from the obligation, but it is an evaluation that we will do over the months.”
Covid, Cts: “Risk of the third wave, checks and fines for Christmas purchases”
New dpcm, does the school reopen in December? Here is the government’s plan (Azzolina at the helm)
«All the conditions are met to manage the cold chain of the Pfizer vaccine that will be the first to arrive. but other vaccines will also arrive and in any case it will be necessary to organize“he added.
Beware of giving the wrong messages about vaccines. We are on the eve of a global campaign, one of the largest in history, and I have – said Speranza – the utmost confidence in the relevant institutions. For EMA or AIFA to be right, very rigorous processes are needed. ” the vaccineHe explained, “it will arrive with the first doses already at the end of January, but it will take some time. In the best case, we will have vaccines for 1.7 million people by the end of January. Then, little by little we wait for the arrival of other vaccines and in spring there will be mass vaccination. Initially, the issue will be selecting who to administer the vaccine to. I think it is correct – he concluded – to start from the most exposed categories and from the avant-garde and from the most fragile ».
“The numbers are still heavy”
«The situation, according to the minister, is very serious, today almost 600 people have lost their lives and there are still many cases. However, at the same time, the rt has decreased and our technicians believe that it will continue to decrease in the coming days. But they are still the first effects of the measures adopted and they are still not enough. We still have massive numbers and we can’t let our guard down».
So, in regards to the red zones “We will have to carefully evaluate the numbers for the next few days. It is understandable that a territory wants to leave the red zone but is cautious. The measures are giving their first results but we need to discuss with scientists and technicians. I work with all regional presidents without political distinction and I say no to controversy. For me the line continues to be that of the utmost caution ».
Movements only if all yellow regions
The change between regions for Christmas, “for the model that we use, it can only happen if all the regions enter the yellow zone but at this moment we must avoid all movements that are not necessary. We must plan our vacations with caution. Minister Roberto Speranza said this in Che tempo che fa del Rai 3.
Covid Italia, today’s newsletter November 22: new infections (28,337) and deaths (562) in decline, positive swab rate at 15%
28,337 new cases of Covid have been identified in Italy in the last 24 hours, more than 6 thousand less than yesterday, which brings the total number of people infected since the start of the emergency to 1,408,868. The increase in victims also decreased, 562 in one day while yesterday they were 692, for a total of 49,823.
Last updated: 21:31