the vaccine in January may not be safe. Here because


the vaccine does not convince andrea Chrysanthemums, for now. In fact, according to the virologist admin in january Would be a to play, since the development of this type of product requires several phases of experimentation over a very long period of time and we do not yet have the data on theeffective security of the antidote.

At the moment, in fact, specifies the virologist in the study of Focus Live, the festival of scientific popularization of Focus, at the Leonardo da Vinci Museum of Science and Technology in Milan from November 19 to 22, we still do not have a real weapon against the virus. responsible for the pandemic and for this reason it would be better to focus on a national surveillance system effective.

Vaccine Chrysants in January: Safety Not Guaranteed

“Usually it takes 5 to 8 years to produce a vaccine, Says Crisanti, “Therefore, without available data, I would not have the first vaccine that should arrive in January. Because I would like to be sure that this vaccine was duly tested and that satisfies everyone safety criteria ed effectiveness. I have the right to it as a citizen and I am not willing to accept shortcuts “.

The virologist in fact declares himself extremely a favor of vaccines, but the one against the coronavirus does not convince him since it was developed “Skipping the normal sequence of Phase 1, Phase 2 and Phase 3. This happened because they had state funds and therefore they could afford to do the three phases together because the risks were assumed by whoever gave the money”.

In fact, the different research centers of the world would have carried out the three phases in parallel, this means that “You carry with you all the problems of the different phases. So it’s true that you get there first, but then there’s a review process that is not easy to do “. The only way to deal with the virus at this time is to create a national surveillance system capable of bridging the various differences between regions.

The Crisanti solution

According to Andrea Crisanti, the government should have instituted a laboratory network across the country capable of perform hundreds of thousands of tests, also supported by “a IT structure of big data integrated with the Immuni application. I would change the government of Immuni and try to make it more transparent so that people get more involved “.

Another aspect to update according to the virologist is the relationship between Regions and Government, at least from the point of view of public health governance:

“The Regions they controlled and the completely independent health units they spent. This chain of addictions is one of the distortions of the national health system”.
