The fate of the world always passes through America. It is in the space of freedom where the idea of the future and its realization are defined. The greatest discoveries, inventions and companies were born and grew in this extraordinary dimension., between the skyscrapers and the ranch, calle 5 y poniente. Here Albert Einstein and other geniuses of the formidable scientific and philosophical dawn of the 20th century found refuge from Europe oppressed by Hitler, here man dreamed and touched the moon, here the Internet was born. Tomorrow is always called America.
Pfizer’s announcement about the anti-Covid vaccine reminds us that our hope is called freedom, that where there is oppression there can be no prosperity, that our horizon is called the West, that the news can be false, but history the end does not lie. Prudence is a virtue, but no one wins a war without enthusiasm and courage. Waiting for Godot, nothing happens, he relentlessly refuses. And luck alone is not enough, never forget the lesson of Niccolò Machiavelli: “That prince who relies entirely on luck, ruin, so varies”. Therefore, fortune must be accompanied by virtue.

© ARNE DEDERT / DPA / dpa Picture Alliance via AFP
Biontech Laboratories
Luck for now accompanies Joe Biden, president-elect of the United States. Why he will be the one who reaps the benefits of many months of research by US companies on the vaccine for the coronavirus. Anthony Fauci called the tests “simply extraordinary.” The president-elect announced to the team of scientists his anti-coronavirus plan. Biden’s is a very lucky start. To make it effective, it will have to accompany it to virtue, we need thoughtful political decisions that are transformed into concrete actions.
– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 9, 2020
Biden’s luck is threefold:
1. His election comes as the fruits of Operation Warp Speed launched by the Trump administration to improve vaccine research begin to show. It is not a coincidence that the incumbent president affirms the results of Pfizer and the jump of Wall Street, but time has not played in Trump’s favor;
2. Pfizer’s announcement comes after and not before the presidential vote. It is not a detail. The news would have influenced the election result, Trump would have used it to boost his campaign, the wind would probably have turned in his favor. This has not happened, the fact will stoke a storm of conspiracy theories, but at the same time it will increase the confidence of American citizens in the use of the vaccine (which is still low), give more momentum to the investigation and inject public opinion. a fundamental dose. of hope in the future. In the Washington Post, this timeline is titled “Perfect Timing.” And a perfect timing like never before: The Biden administration will take office on January 20, 2021, an ideal start to a presidency won with a disputed victory, a polarized political scene, a divided Congress and a president who lost the White House. but compared to four years ago it has the leadership of the “red nation”. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell Supports Trump’s Voting Legal Initiatives, the Gop is with the president And for the Democrats this is a problem, the division between the party and Trump does not exist for now, the work in Congress will be difficult. Biden needs the good news, the vaccine is the good news. That is why he did not let Trump play the vaccine card alone at the communications poker table and immediately expressed his satisfaction with the results announced by Pfizer, just the day he launched his panel of experts on coronavirus. Coincidences. Luck. Last but not least, another American company, Moderna, is following in Pfizer’s lead and should present important results in clinical trials by November. Bottom line: the United States in the first part of 2021 could have two vaccines. It would be another stroke of luck;
3. Wall Street takes off like a rocket, oil flies. Stock indices and the price of a barrel measure hope for the new beginning of the economy. If the tests are confirmed and followed by those of other biotech companies, there will be a resumption of V-shaped production, a return not to the past, but to a “new normal”, because nothing will be the same in any case, the coronavirus leaves wounds and lessons that should not be forgotten in terms of security and cooperation, transparency (failure), the immense value and fragility of democracy in competition with totalitarian regimes.
Statement from President-Elect Biden on the Progress of Pfizer Vaccines: pic.twitter.com/eOiLZnqO8N
– Presidential Transition Biden-Harris (@ Transition46) November 9, 2020
On a geopolitical level, the consequences are enormous: Pfizer is an American pharmaceutical giant, Biontech is a German company. The United States and Germany are the new world that rewrites its history and the leading country of a Europe in search of an author. They are the response and the counterweight to the disruptive force of China, the only country that, according to data from the International Monetary Fund, will have a positive Gross Domestic Product in 2020.

Sinovac laboratories where one of the 11 Chinese vaccines that have reached the experimental stage is developed and produced
A vaccine born in Washington and Berlin ensures the West the autonomy, strength and distance that are necessary in the confrontation of power with Beijing, it is an effective antidote to contain the expansionist policy of Xi Jinping that is multiform, uses finance , technology and biotechnology to catapult it beyond the Great Wall. A vaccine in the hands of China would be a further acceleration in favor of Beijing in what Henry Kissinger called in advance the new order of the coronavirus. The game is played for global hegemony, we must hope that the free world wins it.