Help on the right to study has been extended by the immatricolat. It avoided the dreaded fall in the spring. The hope of Minister Manfredi: from March 1 I will be present again as in September
by Eugenio Bruno
Help on the right to study has been extended by the immatricolat. It avoided the dreaded fall in the spring. The hope of Minister Manfredi: from March 1 I will be present again as in September
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Until yesterday it was just a perception. Now there is also confirmation. Despite the grip of the pandemic, the departure from Italy is not mentioned and the universities have transferred much of their activity online, the much-feared escape from the universities did not occur.
In fact, compared to last year, freshmen grew 7 percent.
To certify it is a survey by the University ministry, updated to November 15, which also contains other good news for the rectors: the increase affects the entire Peninsula. Because in the face of a more sensitive surge in the South, perhaps in the name of a counter-exodus attributable to Covid-19, the North still remains. To the satisfaction of Minister Gaetano Manfredi, who underlines this Monday in Sole 24 Ore: “Although they are provisional data and destined to change, they seem interesting because they tell us, on the one hand, that the measures desired by the government on the right to education has been strategic and, on the other, that families have seen in university enrollment the best way to face the crisis. ”A trend that the executive hopes to repeat also in the coming years. Hence the decision to expand (and make structural ), with the 2021 budget law being examined by Parliament, the interventions on the non-tax area and university fees launched before the summer with the relaunch decree (on which to see another article on the page). In the hope that meanwhile the epidemiological framework improves and – Manfredi hopes – the classrooms can be reopened by at least 50% as in September “with the second semester beginning on March 1”.
At the head the Center-South
Referring to the table to the side for details on individual colleges, here we focus on only the top trends. For example, if we limit ourselves to only three-year degrees, there are more than 324 thousand enrolled, while a year ago these days there were 305 thousand (4.8% more). If we also include master’s degrees and single cycles, the gap between now and then is even consolidated: we were at 445 thousand and we are at 477 thousand (+ 6.1%). Therefore, there is no coronavirus effect on the transition from high school to college.
Geographical data seems equally important. If it is true that the South registers 8 thousand more first-year students (+ 6.6%) compared to 2019/20, the Center does even better (+ 9.9%) but the North also remains (+ 5 ,1%). While on the regional front the actions of Umbria, Sicily and Veneto stand out. With a separate speech for Bergamo, which in the first wave of the coronavirus has paid a very high number of victims and infections. The ministerial data (which for Orobic University, as well as for Milan San Raffaele, Camerino and Tuscia are still as of November 1) register 5,396 first-year students (-24% compared to a year ago when they were 7,109). In reality, the university directed by Remo Morzenti Pellegrini quantifies the total number of first-year students between three years at about 7,000 (also all with limited numbers this year), single-cycle master’s degrees achieved in the meantime and highlights that there is time for tuition. to November 30.
Sapienza and the other maxiuniversities are also growing
Two other signals should be registered. The first is the recovery of the “little ones.” At least in percentage, the podium is occupied by Tuscia, Perugia and Oriental Naples, which are up 56, 35 and 32 percent respectively over the previous year. Where, in absolute value, the best balance is due to Sapienza di Roma (+2,379) ahead of Perugia (+2,365) and Padua (2,091) which, with its 20,631 new enrollees, is also third in total new students behind de Sapienza (27,689, 8% more) and Bologna (24,722, + 3% in 2019). The second signal comes from private companies that, despite the crisis, are in good health: Luiss + 6.4%, Bocconi + 3.1%, Cattolica + 2.5%. With even more significant increases for universities that focus almost entirely on medicine (for which there were 1,500 more places), such as Humanitas or San Raffaele.