The universities are ready but the Giallorossi are not: the race for no voting


There is no denying a slice of panettone for the Italian people. And here is the false gift of constituency reform, signed by President Mattarella and ready to be printed in the Official Gazette. Starting tomorrow morning, in theory, Italians could be summoned to new political elections after a hypothetical dissolution of Parliament.

The majority of Giallorossi have more than anything the intention of washing their conscience so as not to be accused, in the event of popular anger, of having prevented the early voting from taking place. If there were not very strong converging interests in carrying out this strange two-parent legislature (first M5s-Lega, then M5s-Pd-Iv-Leu), apparently everything would be ready to give a voice to citizens at the polls.

The redesign of the schools was necessary to apply the cut of 345 parliamentarians ordered by the constitutional referendum last September. However, the first little catch already exists. If a new electoral reform were to take place, the geographical boundaries of the constituencies themselves would have to be adjusted. The principle of Penelope’s canvas applied to the sinister lock of the Palazzo to let strange ideas pass to those who wanted to disconnect.

There are no suicide bombers in and around Palazzo Chigi. Everyone has a family and a banded studio: no one thinks of ending prematurely an experience that, for many improvised people, promises to be unrepeatable. Quirinal himself has more freedom to urge Conte to do more to overcome the socio-economic crisis linked to voting. But at the top of politics we think of the elections for the new head of state scheduled for 2022. The polls speak for themselves: in the event of a vote, Parliament would go to the center-right with the logical consequence that a head of State is no longer a left expression. And at this point the various Prodi, Gentiloni and Franceschini should deal with the institutional squad of the center-right that Berlusconi envisions followed by Casellati, Letta and Tajani. But even without focusing on the Quirinale, the non-voting party feeds on many other vested interests.

The Five Stars, more and more fallen and less unbridled, have not won elections since 2018. After the feat as the first Italian party, they ran into a black series that relegated them to Serie B. So we are sure that the Pd, in the Unexpected power after the summer 2019 gamble, are you ready to stand up to popular judgment? It is a party that is always strong but has lost several blows, both in terms of leadership (Zingaretti is anything but charismatic) and in various administrative elections.

Not to mention Italia Viva, which dominates in Parliament with the elected Renzianos who separated from the Democratic Party. Strong in the Palace, barely visible in the territory and data passed at the polls with any electoral system. The more or less clandestine work of the 345 parliamentarians fired after the reform strongly desired by the Grillini will be fundamental, especially in moments of crisis in the Executive. They do not have a face, but each representative of the people knows that political fortunes are very fragile: in their hearts, great excluded, all feel with a sword of Damocles at their heads. The best life insurance in a legislature that seems to resist epidemics and ailments of all kinds.
