The UN has officially recognized the medicinal properties of cannabis


The UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND), the executive body of the United Nations drug policy, has once again put cannabis in the four tables that since 1961 have classified psychoactive plants and their derivatives according to their dangerousness. Cannabis was remote Table IV, the most restrictive, contains substances considered most harmful such as heroin. Therefore, the UN has officially recognized the medicinal properties of cannabis.

Of the 53 member states of the CND, 27 voted in favor (including Italy), 25 against and 1 abstained. Among the countries of the European Union, only Hungary voted against. The Commission met in Vienna to vote on six recommendations that the World Health Organization adopted a few years ago, including one calling for the reclassification of cannabis.

Marco Perduca, who coordinates the campaign We legalize! of the Luca Coscioni Association, explained that “today’s decision removes the obstacles to international control, imposed since 1961 by the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, to the production of cannabis for medical-scientific purposes” and that “science finally becomes a fundamental element for updating global decisions. ”There will be no immediate and concrete consequences, but the vote was nevertheless seen as an important prerequisite for future changes in the matter.
