The United Nations officially recognized this morning the medicinal properties of the cannabis in a vote expressed in Vienna by Member States during the United Nations Commission on Drugs (Cnd), the executive body of drug policy.
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On the agenda was the vote on six recommendations that the World Health Organization (WHO) adopted a few years ago and that they wanted to relocate cannabis within the four tables that since 1961 have classified psychoactive plants and derivatives according to their danger. Therefore, cannabis, the substances considered most dangerous due to their therapeutic uses, are eliminated from Table 4. It should be noted that Hungary voted against the EU common position.
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“Today’s decision removes the obstacles to international control, imposed since 1961 by the Single Convention on Narcotic Substances, to the production of cannabis for medical-scientific purposes,” said Marco Perduca, who for the Luca Coscioni Association, internationally active to protect the right to science and health, coordinates the program ‘Legalize!’
Perduca added that the vote is important “also because the WHO recommendations have been drawn up from the scientific literature produced over the years, under very difficult conditions.”
“Science is finally becoming a fundamental element to update decisions of global scope, such as those of the new drug conventions, not only in the changed social and cultural settings but also in the light of scientific progress,” adds Perduca.
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Of the 53 states, almost all of those belonging to the European Union – with the exception of Hungary – and America voted in favor, including Italy, reaching a majority of just one vote, with 27. Most Asian and African countries in instead, they objected. This change will facilitate scientific research on cannabis, known for its benefits in treatment of Parkinson’s disease, sclerosis, epilepsy, chronic pain and cancer.